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by SpectacleOnTheRocks at 12:42 PM EST on February 6, 2022
A friend and I have been mulling over a bunch of files we pulled from the music directory in the Geon Cube Wii ISO.
We've had the files and have been trying to play them for a little over a year now, and either we're not doing something right, or the format is currently unsupported... in hindsight, we probably should've checked for that first before trying anything.

I asked around and got directed to share what we had here.
by bnnm at 4:14 PM EST on February 6, 2022
Try renaming to .fsb
by SpectacleOnTheRocks at 5:05 PM EST on February 6, 2022
That seems to have done the trick... didn't expect it to be that simple.
European Air War (PC) .SND .WSD by Puterboy1 at 9:38 PM EST on February 8, 2022
Could you make these playable?:
by Tanookirby at 9:17 PM EST on March 6, 2022
Has anyone tried to play the MarioKart 64 files in foobar with the latest version? They don't seem to start up for me.
by kode54 at 11:38 PM EST on March 6, 2022
Don't use the rerip, it's broken for some reason.
loud audio licks on .xa files by ThatOneNote at 2:44 AM EST on March 8, 2022
Having issues with tetris(CD-i) .xas and large audio clicks when being played back in foobar
unsure if vgmstream is why however
by bnnm at 4:50 AM EST on March 8, 2022
@ThatOneNote - Tried a few and not seeing anything of in the waveform nor foobar sound. Maybe it's related to the resampler? Try updating foobar.
by ThatOneNote at 7:44 AM EST on March 8, 2022
updated both foobar and vgmstream and I'm still having issues - even turned off any dsps to see if it caused any issues

here is a small sample of the types of clicks that are occurring
by bnnm at 12:56 PM EST on March 8, 2022
Not getting that click in that song either. Make sure vgmstream is actually playing it and not other plugin (right click > properties > details tab has "<VGMSTREAM_VERSION>" at the bottom), and that you have a proper rip (I tried the one in joshw).

Perhaps try setting a resampler too, since those songs are 18khz maybe it's some issue with your OS output when upsampling?

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