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Vgmstream Have raw audio quality loss compared to other extractor ? by Dark Frost at 11:30 AM EDT on April 21, 2022
Hi I have Question for today
Vgmstream Have raw audio quality loss compared to other extractor ?
Because sample rate doesnt change Vgmstream and ı didnt extract like another xa extractor
This is Compare image
based on this image vgstream loss qualty then another extractor. Becase avarage bitrate lower then another extractor and sample rate cuttof dropped then another.
how can ı change default sample rate vgstream ?
and how can ı fix this ?

Best Regards
Dark Frost

by ChillyBilly at 2:18 PM EDT on April 29, 2022
Goodness, it's been some time since my last post here! Well, I come with a new query: I ripped the game Ikinari Maou recently, but I can't play any of the audio. The file names seem to indicate they're m4a files, but they still don't work for me after changing the extension. Are these files encrypted by any chance? Thanks in advance for any feedback! :)
by bnnm at 4:24 PM EDT on April 29, 2022
Not encrypted, but strangely using float PCM, I'll see what I can do.
by bnnm at 7:12 PM EDT on May 1, 2022
latest vgmstream changes (releases / builds / alt (GCC) / bugs)
- Add .vm4 extension [Elder Gate (PS1)]
- Fix some .psb loops [Senxin Aleste (AC)]
- Add HCA key
- EA MPF: Fixed v5 format without track checksum (by Nicknine)
- Preserve channel layout when downmixing some cases
- Add SSPF .ssp [Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)]
- Fix some EA 1SNh .asf [NBA Live 95 (PC)]
- Add .rsnd NSOpus [Birushana: Ichijuu no Kaze (Switch)]
- Fix .wav AIFF [Sim City 3000 (Mac)]
- Improve TXTH/TXTP parser performance
- Fix some SSPF .ssp subsongs and sample rate
- Fix some BKHD .wem detection
- Fix some Ubi HX [Rayman 3 demo (PC), Rayman M demo (PS2)]
- Improve MTA2 decoding accuracy
- Fix buggy Ubi HX samples
- Fix dialogue .p3d [Prototype 2 (PC)]
- Add -2 flag to vgmstream123 (by KatieFrogs)
- Add .s3s [DT Racer (PS2)] (by punk7890)
- Add S3V support for SVDX (AC). Fix looping for 2DX9 and SD9 (by bxaimc)
- Added Eurocom ESF format [Mortal Kombat 4 (PC)] (by Nicknine)
- Add .switch extension [Ikinari Maou (Switch)]
- Add PCM_FLOAT_LE codec to TXTH
- Fix some SSPF .ssp [Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)]
- Add ADM3 .wem [MotoGP 21 (PC)]
- Add .audio_data [Lego SW: The Skywalker Saga (PC)]
- Fix bitrate in some cases
- Improve MPEG parser
- Improve Tiger .com validations and lower priority
- various project fixes
by ChillyBilly at 3:57 PM EDT on May 5, 2022
@bnnm: Thanks for looking into the set! However, for some reason I still can't play the files despite updating both foobar and vgmstream to their latest versions. I've got no clue whether it's a problem on my end, or what... :|

Anyway, I also mirrored Cotton Fantasy, this time in its original source archive. I had split it into WAV files before, but I know preservation is preferred now, so I guess there's a way to make the source playable, I guess? Again, my thanks in advance for checking these out!
by bnnm at 9:01 AM EDT on May 6, 2022
@ChillyBilly - what I added is the .switch extension (since foobar/winamp/etc need a list of extensions), but the format itself is a bit too simple to be playable as-is so you need to use TXTH to tell vgmstream how to play it.

I already uploaded the set with this TXTH, but if you make a file named .switch.txth with the following text in the folder, it should be playable:
codec = PCM_FLOAT_LE
sample_rate = @0x00
channels = @0x07$1
start_offset = 0x0c
num_samples = data_size

As for Cotton, you can extract those .membody/memfs into wavs and upload them as it's just a generic format.

The key here is (more or less):
- if the bigfile is like a zip (a generic "virtual filesystem"/fs), that just contains any other files inside and little else (sometimes with paths+names even), extract them.
- if the format is an like a .fsb/awb that itself is an audio format that contains multiple subsongs (an "audio bank"), don't "extract" them.
I put "extract" in scary quotes b/c when programs "extract" they tipically throw useful audio metadata and/or modify the "extracted" data in the process.
Anyone could rerip Dynasty Warriors 7? by blood_falcon at 2:18 AM EDT on May 20, 2022
As per title, could I request a re-rip of Dynasty Warriors 7 and 7 Empires?
For Harry Potter .Bwav by Puterboy1 at 2:26 PM EDT on June 10, 2022
You’ll need to make this for the PS2/GC/Xbox port of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone: codec = PSX
start_offset = 0x44
channels = 1
sample_rate = 22050
num_samples = @0x30
sensible format addition by Alpha23 at 12:39 PM EDT on June 19, 2022
I have a format here that should easily be implementable for the next release:

ident BCVA, each includes two vag files (Playstation ADPCM mono), one for each channel. So just like the [name]L.vag/[name]R.vag pairs, only in a pseudo-archive.

There are about 10,000 of these files in "The Bigs" and "The Bigs 2", so I guess it makes sense to add support. ;)
by Alpha23 at 10:06 AM EDT on June 21, 2022
sorry, wrong thread

edited 12:38 PM EDT June 21, 2022

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