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stereo VAG1 by Alpha23 at 3:26 PM EDT on June 21, 2022
vag.c, lines 58/59 should be expanded to account for stereo VAG1 streams:

channels = read_u8(0x1e,sf);
if (channels == 2) {
interleave = 0x10;
else {
interleave = 0;

Here are some samples from Cabela's African Safari (PSP):

Thanks for updating. :)
by bnnm at 5:05 PM EDT on June 21, 2022
@Alpha23 - thanks, I'll check vag1 later

As for BCVA, basically there is only so much time in the world to fix vgmstream stuff, so simpler formats that can be supported with .txth kind of get sidelined.

So if you make a text file named ".bcv.txth" (dot in front) and write this, they'll be playable without updating vgmstream:
id_value = 0x42435641 #BCVA
id_check = @0x00:BE

codec = PSX
channels = @0x04
data_size = (@0x0c - 0x30) * channels
start_offset = @0x10 + 0x30 #1st .vag
interleave = @0x18 - @0x10 #2nd .vag, full interleave
sample_rate = @0x60:BE
name_offset = 0x70

num_samples = data_size

May need to set "allow unknown exts" in vgmstream's options (or rename to a recognized).
by Alpha23 at 2:10 AM EDT on June 22, 2022
Thanks, that's a really good example to learn from. Is there some kind of txtp creation GUI that streamlines the process for multiple files?

About updating vgmstream - absolutely agreed!
I'd like to chat about this subject with you somewhere if you don't mind.
help with txth by Alpha23 at 5:31 AM EDT on June 22, 2022
Can somebody help me with creating a working txth file for this format: ?
These are from Baku-No (PSP).
I'm working hard on meeting the archive's standards now! Until now I would have extracted those AT3 files, now I know better.
by bnnm at 2:00 PM EDT on June 22, 2022
For Baku-No you can use:
subfile_offset = @0x40:BE + 0x30
subfile_size = @0x4c:BE
subfile_extension = at3

Which tells vgmstream there is a regular .at3 at said offset. It's also possible to make a .txth for raw AT3, but here is simpler. Some files are empty though.


Thanks for taking the time to check standards. Rules aren't inflexible, so odd stuff can be handled differently case by case. The general mantra is, the closer to the original data the better (one can always modify archive files later, but can't un-modify modified data, so to speak), and that we want audio metadata (no point to preserve a generic .zip-like container, but interesting if it's some kind of audio container and may have non-obvious metadata).

A memorable example for me is one format internally using RIFF .at3 and 44100hz, but setting the sample rate to 48000 in the format's metadata.

Most rips floating around were using 44100 from extracted .at3 instead of 48000 (slower than the game). That was a big motivation to start fixing vgmstream stuff and encouraging this (seemingly) kind of picky preservation.


There is no GUI for txth/txtp but since it's just text should be easy enough to pick up and cook simple scripts. Here is some general description of TXTH/TXTP.

For TXTH you can check examples here, of increasing complexity.

It has plenty of functions to handle corner cases but one for most games is rather simple.

For TXTP a few examples here for common cases and through the doc.

More advanced are these python scripts: txtp-dumper (makes real .txtp from a text file with 'inlined' .txtp), txtp-maker (mainly for audio containers with N subsongs), txtp-segmenter (mainly for combos of song_intro.ext+song_loop.ext).

As for chatting sure, feel free to ask here/new thread/discord/mail/etc.
by Puterboy1 at 2:11 PM EDT on August 10, 2022
The Gran Tursimo 7 .szd1 files need to be added.
by bnnm at 5:01 AM EDT on August 18, 2022
latest vgmstream changes (releases / builds / alt (GCC) / bugs)
- Allow truncated .aix [Metroid: Other M (Wii)]
- Fix some .atsl/ktsl2asbin [Nioh (PS4)]
- Extra logs on broken RIFF
- Add Bioware fake .wav [Star Wars: KOTOR 1/2 (PC)]
- Fix some .atsl, add .atslx [Ken's Rage 2 (X360)]
- Fix some .tun [NBA Inside Drive 2000 (PC)]
- Add TXTH codec "IMA_HV" [NBA Hangtime (PC)]
- Fix mono ALP .pcm [NBA Inside Drive 2000 (PC)]
- Fix some .mul [Tomb Raider 2013 (PS4)]
- Fix segments not using highest sample rate as base
- Improve some Ubi SB detection [Myst IV (PC)]
- Fix some .at3 RIFF [Megami no Etsubo (PSP)]
- Lower .mp3 priority
- Add TXTH codec PCM8_SB [Sonic CD (SCD)]
- Add RIFF .ogg/logg extension [Luftrausers (Vita)]
- Improve .mp3 loading speed in some cases
- Fix some VAG1 .vag [Cabela's Africa (PS2)]
- Add SNDZ .szd1/3
- Fix some N1 .opus [Asatsugutori (Switch)]
- Check ACB size
- Tweak HCA mappings
- Add SNDZ .szd extension
- Fix missing end samples in Wwise Vorbis
- Fix some Wwise Convolution Reverb wem
- Fix truncated ATRAC9 .wem
- Fix some .swav [Face Training (DSi)]
- txtp_maker: fix subsongs with unicode
- Add .3ds extension [F1 2021 (3DS)]
- Fix some WayForward .wave [Happy Feet Two (3DS)]
- Fix some Koei .wbd+whd [Nights of Azure 2 (PS4)]
- Add encrypted .akb [Final Fantasy Agito (Android)]
- Fix winamp's format detection hijacking .vgm
- Fix some .psb crashes
- Fix some .psb looping clicks
- Reject .wem with excess/incorrect data
- Adjust HEVAG decoding
- Added PS1 VAB format (by Nicknine)
- Add FSB keys
- Fix TXTH loop behavior positive to include 0
- winamp: fix open dialog extensions and tweaks
- audacious: always reject unplayable files
- Add .sdp extension
- Add TXTH codec "HEVAG"
- txtp_segmenter: add inline command
- Tweak UE4 wav detection [GTA SA Remaster (Switch)]
- Remove .vb from ps_headerless (use TXTH)
- Add .sig/sag extensions
- Remove fake .tec extension (use .str + TXTH)
- Redo .hxd+str [Fatal Frame 3 (PS2), Tokobot (PS2)]
- Remove .dxh (use .hxd+str)
- OGG: Added .bin extension [Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition (PC)] (by Nicknine)
by EHT_shiniori at 4:13 PM EDT on August 18, 2022
@Puterboy1 - they were already added before you came in, in fact it was a few weeks back.
if you have a vgmstream component in foobar2000 and you can't play them, your component version is outdated.

edited 4:18 PM EDT August 18, 2022
by at 8:11 PM EDT on August 22, 2022
The Family Tennis 3D .Bcseq Files Need to Be Added!
by EHT_shiniori at 8:15 PM EDT on August 22, 2022
hope you enjoy being told that vgmstream is for audio streams only though.
so no, they don't and you can either:
1) accept that support for bcseq files won't ever be added into vgmstream, so please keep your bcseq files.
2) post them into another thread. who knows, maybe someone will pretend to look into them and come away not understading why did they even bother with that to begin with.

sorry, i don't make the rules.

edited 8:17 PM EDT August 22, 2022

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