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by at 8:58 PM EDT on August 22, 2022
Oh, Right! Sorry!
by MusicMantis at 8:20 AM EDT on October 4, 2022
I downloaded the Goldeneye: Rogue Agent GC set from JoshW, but it doesn't seem to play using the latest vgmstream (in foobar2000).

It looks like it's .mpf and .mus, so I tried disabling all my other decoders (.mus felt like it could be a format clash, perhaps) but couldn't get it to work.

This could still be a problem on my end, but I also wanted to check and see if it's working for anyone else - or if it might be a vgmstream bug.

Edit: Swapping ] with %5d in the URL tag, thanks past-hcs!

edited 8:22 AM EDT October 4, 2022
by bnnm at 4:06 PM EDT on October 7, 2022
@MusicMantis - should work now:
by bnnm at 10:18 AM EDT on October 22, 2022
latest vgmstream changes (releases / builds / alt (GCC) / bugs)
- Ubi SB: Fixed dummy entries in Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers (DC)
- EA MPF: Implemented RAM tracks for EAAC varaint
- Fix TXTP/TXTH with BOM
- Add TXTH "BE_split" coefs and "debug" flag
- Add EA Opus uncoupled .sps [FIFA 22 (PC)]
- Add .bkr extension [P.N.03 (GC)]
- Add XMA .kmx extension, cleanup [Warriors: Legends of Troy (X360)]
- Remove fake format .capdsp (use TXTH)
- Add .chd extension [Donkey Konga (GC)]
- Add VAG .xa2/snd extension
- Fix AWB with HE-VAG
- VAB: Fixes (by Nicknine)
- ESF: Added more versions
- EA MPF: Improved format detection
- Add extra extensions
- Update and move miniz for future use
- Fix some Sony .bnk [Ikaruga (PS4)]
- Fix some .GCub [Shrek the Third (GC)]
- Allow prefetch .bwav [Splatoon 3 (Switch)]
- Fix some .awb [Voice of Cards: TBOB (Switch)]
- Add ATRAC9 .p1d extension [Farming Simulator 14 (Vita)]
- Fix some .ccc
- Show multiple cue names in SQEX .sab
- Reduce internal path limit for more common cases
- Add .bigrp [Blaster Master Zero 2 (SW), Gunvolt 3 (SW)]
- EA MPF: Fixed some v5 files
- MUSX: Added Xbox variant [Ice Age 2 (Xbox)]
- Fix some .bnk [Tamarin (PC)]
- Add TXTH codec "YMZ" [VJ: Visual & Music Slap (AC)]
- Fix some Ogg Opus loops [Kuro no Kiseki (PC)]
- Add .cads extension [Drakengard (PS2)]
- Fix some .szd codecs
- Add HCA keys
- Fix some CPK .awb [Puyo Puyo 20th Anniversary (3DS)]
- cleanup
by ChillyBilly at 8:54 PM EST on November 11, 2022
Hello once more! So, imagine my great surprise and delight that Zero no Tsukaima: Fantasy Force 2nd Impact was recently uploaded here! Unfortunately however, the brunt of the set simply will not play for me. I can play the jingles just fine, but everything else.... no dice. And I have foobar running on the latest vgmstream update, so could the problem lie with the set itself? My heartfelt gratitude to anyone who can look into this!

edited 9:05 PM EST November 11, 2022
by hcs at 10:15 PM EST on November 11, 2022
The issue is probably that things are not configured to pass the unknown extension .DAT to the vgmstream component. This is additionally complicated because the files have unusual RIFF headers. I'll post a set with the .DAT renamed to .vgmstream in the Fantasy Force thread, that should clear up any issues. I'd wanted to leave them as .DAT since that's how they are on the disc (except the ones embedded in the exe), but it does make it a pain to play them.
by Puterboy1 at 10:38 AM EST on February 19, 2023
Some of the Westwood .AUD files from Blade Runner do not work, shall you look at them?
by almendaz at 11:46 PM EST on March 1, 2023
Hello! Long time no write!
Now I cannot play "extensionless" files (i.e. "01", "02", "03" etc, NO extension no dot nor words after that dot) with this plugin, txth is named "..txth" (NO quotes), the music files are PCM16LE, normally chunk of bytes, therefore I give them no extension. Something must have changed, but what?

edited 11:48 PM EST March 1, 2023
by bnnm at 12:53 PM EST on March 3, 2023
@almendaz - If you want to play headerless files use ".txth".

"..txth" may have unintendedly worked before but after some optimizations may have stopped working. I don't think most people instinctively would try to use 2 dots to play extensionless files, to me "..txth" looks like the original file is named "file." (Windows won't allow that but it's possible on Linux, though odd).


As for "will look at my files", "I have a .BLAH file and doesn't work, what do I do" type posts: just upload your file and then ask if somebody could help you with them. Don't make people post "yes, post the files so we can take a look" then upload, just do it.

If you think "but it takes a long time to upload!", I guarantee it takes way more to look and figure out your files.

Also don't post a single, tiny file, the more files you upload the more likely the thing can be figured out, bonus points if you post files that DO work. Basically, make easy for other people to help you.
by almendaz at 7:46 PM EST on March 3, 2023
Thank you for your answer.
.7z]This is the set I'm refering to (I am this set's OP).
Something in the "..txth" or the filenames must change in order to conform to vgmS's update, am I right?

edited 7:46 PM EST March 3, 2023

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