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by hcs at 6:37 PM EST on December 15, 2008
Files from a few 360 games are supported, but mostly only those using cross-platform toolkits (those with ADX or PCM audio). Those using the native audio compression (XMA) are not supported and likely won't be for a good long time.
by Elven Spellmaker at 7:07 PM EST on December 15, 2008
Dunno whether this has anything to do with the recent updates, but this track is now really blurry, like it has been compressed really badly.

STRM_N_FACTORY_F.brstm from Mario Kart Wii, its one of the multiple channel ones. All the others play fine.

Both STRM_N_FACTORY_F.brstm and STRM_N_FACTORY_N.brstm are encoded differently to the rest of the multi_files in the same directory, but STRM_N_FACTORY_F.brstm is the only one to cause a problem.

All the others are 'Gamecube "DSP" 4-bit ADPCM' but the two mentioned above are in 'Big Endian 16-bit PCM'
by hcs at 9:44 PM EST on December 15, 2008
Is it also a different number of channels than the others had been? Your mixer might be doing weird things to it. Or is it a different sample rate? Did it not sound odd before?
by Omochao at 12:32 AM EST on December 16, 2008
When can I expect support for Raving Rabbids 2?
by hcs at 1:49 AM EST on December 16, 2008
No one expects the support for Raving Rabbids 2!

At least you shouldn't. I don't know that anyone is working on it.
by unknownfile at 9:07 AM EST on December 16, 2008


by Elven Spellmaker at 12:01 PM EST on December 16, 2008
If UF is referring to me, I don't know what the hell he's on about, if he's referring to Omochao then I still don't get his motive...

@hcs: They are the only 2 encoded differently out of the MULTI files, they ALL have more than 2 channels so its nothing to do with that. The normal version sounds fine, but the final lap version comes out blurry (compression sorta sounds), so if that is an extra channel doing that its odd its only on that one file out of all the multi ones.
by hcs at 1:27 PM EST on December 16, 2008
UF's motive is to be an ass.
I checked out the track, I really can't hear anything unusual at all. Considering that it is PCM, no real decoding is being done by vgmstream, so that must be how the audio sounds, and as I said I don't detect any odd sound at all. Have you actually heard this track in-game to claim that it is being played wrong?
by Omochao at 12:31 AM EST on December 17, 2008
How would I go about working on Raving Rabbids 2?
by hcs at 2:12 AM EST on December 17, 2008
If I could explain it I'd have done it when I looked at the game. I simply can't find anything that looks like coef tables, and without those you can't decode the audio (if it is indeed DSP as it looks). They must be somewhere in the game, but perhaps they are compressed, or stored in some unusual format, or generated at runtime. Unless I missed them and they were just laying somewhere, it is probably going to take debugging the game in an emulator to find what is going on. And I wouldn't even really know where to start there. I don't think there's anything you can do.

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