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by MarkGrass at 11:12 AM EST on December 24, 2008
Ah, ok. Thanks for the brief explaination. :)

I couldn't tell you for sure if it's specifically ADX audio with the volume problem...

I've listened to certain ADX files with CRI Middleware's ADX Player Ver.1.29, and the volume was perfect. Though when compared to vgmstream, it seemed that the volume was substantially lowered to the point where I had to increase system volume by atleast 25% to par ADX Player Ver.1.29.

It's not really a major issue with me, I was really just wondering if anyone else noticed...
by hcs at 11:34 AM EST on December 24, 2008
Well, if it's certain files and not others, it would be good to know, especially if CRI's player distinguishes between them somehow. Does it have a wav write function? Like I said, I'm fairly confident in vgmstream's ADX decoder, but I'm willing to consider other possibilities.
by MarkGrass at 1:14 PM EST on December 24, 2008
Sorry, I should have clarified - 'certain' should have been 'some' (eg, I listened to *some* ADX files with CRI Middleware's ADX Player Ver.1.29).

I'm sure it has nothing to do with any specific ADX. vgmstream may need preamp, as you had mentioned...

...but no, CRI's player doesn't have a WAV write function, though there was a program bundled with it called ADX Encoder. It will allow you to encode WAV/AIFF to ADX or AHX. They were obtained in this thread:

Which brings me to something else I stumbled upon when creating my own ADX audio files with ADX Encoder. I would set the loop points with ADX Encoder and test with vgmstream when I noticed that the loop points I had set with ADX encoder were different from the ones vgmstream was using (via the Stream info window). Their values weren't very far off, however (maybe by about 10-25 samples at most).
by hcs at 1:29 PM EST on December 24, 2008
An oddity of the ADX header format is that the loop values are specified twice, once as a byte offset and again as a sample number. vgmstream uses the sample number, while other programs I've checked use the byte offset. I haven't done a careful analysis of the relationship between these values as created by the encoder, but as vgmstream does looping by sample count that is the easier one to use.
I haven't used "ADX Encoder", but the sample numbers stored in the file are precisely those that are given to the adxencd.exe encoder. Maybe things have changed. Maybe I misunderstood the meaning of the sample count field. It is also possible that ADX Encoder is rounding down a frame (32 samples).

edited 1:47 PM EST December 24, 2008

I must correct myself, adxencd.exe itself rounds sample count to the >= 32 sample boundary. Interestingly the offset is absolute file offset, and it tries to adjust the empty space at the beginning so that the loop start occurs at particular addresses.

edited 1:56 PM EST December 24, 2008
by MarkGrass at 2:25 PM EST on December 24, 2008
Whoa, found something of huge interest.

There was another app included called 'adxainf'. I will let the screenshot speak for itsself.

ADX Additional Information Inserter Screenshot

... so it would appear that ADX files do contain volume information.

edited 2:31 PM EST December 24, 2008
by hcs at 5:11 PM EST on December 24, 2008
Aha, so that's what all that extra space in type 04 is for!
I don't think I'll be using this right away, as all the options are at a higher level than the basic decoding, which is all I'm doing now; likewise I don't look at all the extra info in brstm/rwsd. But thanks for pointing it out!

edited 5:20 PM EST December 24, 2008
by Athrador at 9:38 AM EST on December 26, 2008
[quote]I thought someone posted a batch that converts it to .zwdsp, those files should work. I haven't tried it myself.

It was back here, 2nd to last post.[/quote]

Thanks hcs, but this tool give to me only errors "open input failed".

I'm doing something wrong?
by souma at 10:05 AM EST on December 26, 2008

put zwsrt and .srt, .ssd, .bat in the same place -> run .bat.

dro_xx.zwdsp are Doronjo's voice
boy_xx.zwdsp are Boyacky's voice
ton_xx.zwdsp are Tonzra's voice
by Athrador at 11:38 AM EST on December 26, 2008
Ok souma, thanks a lot.
Now it works
by hcs at 1:36 AM EST on December 28, 2008
Woo, added support for the newer kind of NDS .sad, which uses a custom APDCM format.
vgmstream r542.
Not super-common, but nice to have.

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