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by hcs at 10:58 PM EST on January 27, 2009
It turns out that there are a few bugs in ish+isd. manakoAT will be fixing them soon, right mana?
by manakoAT at 4:15 AM EST on January 28, 2009
by hcs at 10:11 AM EST on January 28, 2009
Heh, thanks mana.
vgmstream r573 ought to work properly now.
by :-) at 6:49 AM EST on January 31, 2009
Works perfectly now. Many thanks! :)
by VGSB at 5:53 PM EST on February 3, 2009
There are a few .SAD songs from Disaster: Day of Crisis that aren't supported by vgmstream.


I'm hosting all of the streams from the game for whoever is interested. The four files mentioned above are in the Bonus section:

Disaster: Day of Crisis Downloads

edited 5:58 PM EST February 3, 2009
by hcs at 8:10 PM EST on February 3, 2009
A simple modification for mono. Do check that I didn't screw up stereo and that mono sounds right, I haven't actually listened to vgmstream r574 yet.
by Pyrii at 7:15 PM EST on February 4, 2009
Did you ever get around to detecting the looping information in Let's Tap RWSD/RWAV files extracted from the BRSARs? ripping_mama pulls out an rwav and letsdump pulls out a rwsd.
by hcs at 7:29 PM EST on February 4, 2009
Hm? Most of them have looping information, there was just the one that seemed to have messed up looping.
by Dais! at 12:19 AM EST on February 8, 2009
I did a search but the results didn't quite clear things there any current way to use vgmstream with foobar2000? I'm aware that some of the functionality is in the source code, but otherwise all I found was a reference that some guy in the IRC channel(who apparently didn't show up again) said he had made a successful build of such a plugin.
by Dais! at 1:49 AM EST on February 8, 2009
and something more interesting: the guy who I was looking for the foobar plugin for is trying to rip the music from Armored Core: Nine Breaker. There was a folder with nine 20-30mb ADX files and corresponding ADS files that were about 2kb less. He said that he was under the impression there were more than sixteen songs in the game, so I asked him to upload a few to see if maybe there was some kind of multiple song-per-file thing going on (not that I'd know what to do if there was).

Instead, I got this really weird situation:

An ADX and it's corresponding ADS file. The ADX gives me nothing, acts like when I didn't have the dll files where they should be.

The ADS file, on the other hand, is pretty screwy - it comes in at 40 seconds, but it's obviously not playing the whole song. It restarts at '15 and then at '30, then's handling the loop/fade, but the music playing itself is messed up.

Any ideas what could be going on?

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