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by hcs at 6:58 PM EDT on March 8, 2009
Out of curiosity I converted my Silent Hill 4 ADXs (PS2) with both the test decoder and Winamp's disk write.
Turns out some of the files' checksums are identical and some aren't although the converted files SEEM identical (listening test, number of frames).
Any idea what the difference could be? I couldn't see any pattern to this (like only looped files being affected or something)

Hm, so both looped and unlooped tracks show up this issue? If it was just looped I would think it might be some slight difference in the fade calculation. Otherwise I can think what it could be. Could you name some troublesome tracks so I can take a look?
by Gedankenschild at 9:45 AM EDT on March 9, 2009
I didn't put it very well (or didn't look carefully enough...), my bad! Actually it is only looped files that are concerned, just not all of them.

Some of the troublesome tracks:

10031.adx & 10040.adx from SB.AFS

10022.adx & 10038.adx from CM.AFS
by hcs at 10:24 AM EDT on March 19, 2009
vgmstream r608 is up. Most recently added ADX key for Amagami, released a few hours ago.
by furrybob at 8:37 PM EDT on March 20, 2009
Just a quick feature request

Could you make vgmstream output the loop points as variables so you could do a script like this without any user input, if you could that would be amazing. But if you can't thats fine too

vgmstream -o "song.wav" -l 1 -f 0 "song.adx"
dspadpcm -e "song.wav" -l%%loopstart%%-%%loopend%%

And if there are no loop points the end and start loops could be the total number of samples and 0 respectively

edited 8:38 PM EDT March 20, 2009
by souma at 11:24 AM EDT on March 25, 2009
Does it support AHX for Amagami?
These AHX seems to be different from normal one.
by dag at 7:07 PM EDT on March 25, 2009
I've found a type of HPS that vgmstream can't play nor convert. Here are some if you want to check them: . These were found in a folder along many normal HPS.

It looks like they have a slightly different header. You can play them if you paste a header from another HPS but the audio will be distorted, of course.
by Franpa at 11:04 AM EDT on March 26, 2009
Woo, been away for a while, seems a lot has happened since build 386~ o_o
by -FDM64- at 10:44 PM EDT on March 26, 2009
get some more stuff working in vgmstream guys
FFCC Echoes of Time WII sound dir
by manakoAT at 8:10 AM EDT on March 27, 2009
FFCC Echoes of Time is for sure sequenced, there are tons of sequences and dsp samples in the "music.sdat" files... sorry!
by BtEO at 12:51 PM EDT on March 27, 2009

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