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by bxaimc at 11:02 PM EDT on March 29, 2009
@FMD64: I thought I already told you it was sequenced
by -FDM64- at 3:57 PM EDT on March 30, 2009
yea, but I had already posted it
by Omochao at 8:58 PM EDT on March 30, 2009
But I had posted it previously.
by hcs at 9:10 PM EDT on March 30, 2009
Ok, everyone understands now, stop.
vgmstream related crashing by DChronos at 1:07 AM EDT on April 4, 2009
In case you don't know, I'd like to report this:

I got Winamp 5.32, and opon trying to go to Play File in the menu, it crashes winamp because of the vgmstream required libvorbis.dll. (dated July 26. 2007)

I can't run vgmstream without that dll, and with it, I can't open a lone file. I tried messing with options, configs, replacing the configs and programs with backups, etc, and nothing helped. However, the other 2 required dlls are just fine, no problems opening the Play File dialog box.

What's going on with it now, because I thought I had no problems with that on an older copy of vgmstream, but have no idea, really. Would have been quite some time ago and I wouldn't have thought anything of it.
by hcs at 4:31 AM EDT on April 4, 2009
The version of the dll has changed, maybe check the readme for a link to the new version.
by DChronos at 9:42 PM EDT on April 4, 2009
What readme.... the only thing in the original zip file is the dll.
by hcs at 12:34 AM EDT on April 5, 2009
The readme for vgmstream. Every zip I build has it.
ahx of amagami voice sample by hage99 at 2:25 AM EDT on April 5, 2009
Will you schedule to support it though AHX of [AMAGAMI] is not good at the decipherment?
by hcs at 5:42 AM EDT on April 5, 2009
AHX isn't really a priority as it doesn't carry music most of the time. I see at least part of how it is different, maybe I will get to fixing it (I had forgotten about it until now).

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