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by dag at 8:59 AM EDT on April 5, 2009
Ok I've realized the unplayable HPS I posted in the previous page are just mono HSP, and the code always expects stereo files. The header says they are mono and it seems to be the same except the info for the right channel is blank.
Any chance you could add support?
by hage99 at 11:39 AM EDT on April 5, 2009
Thank you for the reply.
I am glad to have transmitted the intention excuse me in poor English.
It survives if it is possible to release it because another doesn't have the tool that still corresponds.
Then, I'll be going now.
correction by hage99 at 12:22 PM EDT on April 5, 2009
Thank you for the reply.
I am glad to have transmitted the intention excuse me in poor English.
I'm grateful for your effort to fix the problem.@I wait patiently.
Thank you for reading.
by hcs at 5:02 PM EDT on April 5, 2009
vgmstream r621 has mono hps support.

I took a closer look at the AHX files, it seems likely to me that they are encrypted. I don't think I have the motivation to work on decrypting these.
by DChronos at 12:27 AM EDT on April 8, 2009
I finally got around to getting the newest dlls, and replaced the old ones.

Ran Winamp and went to the menu, "Play> File...", and it crashed AGAIN.

It isn't fixed!
by hcs at 12:36 AM EDT on April 8, 2009
Don't know what to tell you, it works for everyone else.
Try removing other plugins (just move the dlls into some other folder) and see if it still crashes.
by DChronos at 11:45 PM EDT on April 8, 2009
Well, since there was only one single plugin I could think of that most everyone wouldn't have that I got on, I removed in_zube (cube) and it was fine again.

I don't get how it could affect it, though, I mean that libvorbis thing for genh couldn't have been put into in cube, you made that for vgmstream, and has nothing at all to do with it. How could it possibly affect it in any way at all?

I kept in cube for some reason, I thought it played something that vgmstream didn't... vgmstream now plays everything in cube did, right?

Oh, yeah, I think I had it because of something wrong with looping in Metroid Prime... but I think I told you and you fixed it.

I have a second problem, too. Vgmstream no longer loads most of the music for Pokemon XD. I got that way back wondering how the music sounded, and only listened for a bit, but don't remember having any problem at all, but now, it only loads like 18 songs out of the 99 listed, and few don't play anyway, just says 0:00.
by hcs at 12:32 AM EDT on April 9, 2009
I think the trick is that vgmstream only supports them when named .ish and .isd, so you have to rename the .dsp files to .ish and the .001 files to .isd.
by DChronos at 7:08 PM EDT on April 9, 2009
I just tried that and they don't play that way, either... I'm glad I found out before I spent another 5 minutes changing extensions.


Wait, it does work... but why is winamp using .ish as an extension for the file? Only the ish files showed up as winamp files with the winamp icon and ability to select to play or enqueue in winamp, the isd ones didn't, they show up as files without any associating program. But when I looked in winamp, there IS no ish association, only isd.

If I try to play the ish, it does nothing, but the isd works fine. I'll selct isd, since it wasn't on, butwhy is ish being registered?

edited 7:25 PM EDT April 9, 2009
by hcs at 6:18 AM EDT on April 10, 2009
in_vgmstream exerts no control over what extensions Winamp registers. It only informs Winamp that it can play files with certain extensions, ISD being one of those (and ISH not). in_cube must have been the one that had reported ISH, and at some point Winamp noticed this and registered it with the OS.
To control the list of associated file types, check out General Preferences -> File Types in the Winamp options dialog.

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