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by marcusss at 4:58 AM EDT on May 25, 2009
as they used to say in the circus back then. "come one, come all"
by Franpa at 5:04 AM EDT on May 27, 2009
can the original post be updated with a link to the VGMStream download page at the HCS site? there is only a link to the sourceforge which isn't up to date.
by Elven Spellmaker at 6:26 PM EDT on May 27, 2009
Hopefully not to be stupid, but do formats supported by VGMStream allow for tags?
(A lot of normal streamed music does, M4A [M4A even stores album art now.] and MP3 are just two examples.)

If so how would I go about tagging the files I have?

Also does someone know if Wario Land: The Shake Dimension has been/can be ripped?

edited 7:39 PM EDT May 27, 2009
by Elven Spellmaker at 6:31 PM EDT on May 27, 2009
In reply to Franpa

VGMStream Directory
by Mouser X at 9:56 PM EDT on May 27, 2009
No. Essentially no streamed fromat from any game supports tags. There are *.LOGG files though, which are looping OGGs. As such, you can name them as *.ogg and then tag them as OGGs, and then name them as LOGG. However, VGMstream does no tag reading (except to get loop data, which is stored as tags in the OGG file), so doing that is sort of pointless. As far as I know, that's the only format that is both supported by VGMstream, and supports tags (well, MP3s inside a GENH container can also support tags, I suppose, but OGGs are easier to work with, since you don't have to put them in a GENH container).

When someone refers to "tagging" a streamed set, what they generally mean is to rename the files in such a way as to either match the OST, or to be renamed in some sensical fashion. Mouser X over and out.
by hcs at 10:49 PM EDT on May 27, 2009
It's been suggested that GENH get tag support, but it hasn't been done. It's also been suggested that separate tag files be supported, but it also hasn't been done.

I'd prefer people link to this vgmstream page, as I think it's pretty clear. I should probably put a link on the sourceforge page over to this.
by mauzer at 4:38 AM EDT on May 29, 2009
Who can tell me - VGMStream supports Raw-format from PS2 Metal Gear Solid Series?
Another question - where I can find a list of supported games for VGMStream?
by Gedankenschild at 6:27 AM EDT on June 6, 2009
I extracted the "Resident Evil Zero Wii" sound files (in RWAV format) and just like Super Paper Mario some of them play too fast.
Is there any way of telling vgmstream to play these at half speed? Changing the extension to .brstmspm or .rwavspm obviously didn't work - but at least I tried... :)
by hcs at 1:55 PM EDT on June 6, 2009
well, I could add a hack like that, or you could post one of those files so I can try to figure out what's different to handle it correctly (assuming I can find anything)
by Gedankenschild at 3:46 PM EDT on June 6, 2009
OK, I picked three files and threw a working one in for comparison (just in case).


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