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by hcs at 8:12 AM EDT on March 14, 2008
Doh, well that's odd. Guess I just don't know Subversion well enough...
Got it working now. Next version will have right numbers.

edited 9:32 AM EDT March 14, 2008
by Franpa at 9:45 AM EDT on March 14, 2008
Ok, cool =)
by Franpa at 9:02 AM EDT on March 15, 2008
Winamp 5.2

play a ADX file like one from Sonic Heroes (32khz) then close winamp. winamp crashes. this may be known tho.
Yes... by Bugger at 12:43 PM EDT on March 15, 2008
Yes... Because MAYBE there is a command that has the name "outfile" and has as a Parameter 1.wav, to avoid this complication you do the stuff with spaces.

Edit: Ups, that was the stuff from two pages ago, sorry... -.-, dont mention this posting...

edited 12:45 PM EDT March 15, 2008
-.- by Bugger at 1:42 PM EDT on March 15, 2008
You may know adxencd.exe ,
the very old maker for
adx files, I try to get the output like
I do by your test.exe,
but it doesnt work...

The -m switch makes it possible that it only writes in the file, is that correct?

So, if you dont understand what I mean now:
If I call your test only with "test > test.txt" it only will output in the console but not in the file, is there no other way to catch the output to the console?
by javispedro at 6:25 PM EDT on March 15, 2008
I am making some progress with the gstreamer plugin (I just want to learn about gst).

I was scratching my head debugging the thing because I noticed brstm's (in fact, "Super Dimentio", the one I use for testing) played at double the original speed.
Then I realized it failed too with a pristine copy of vgmstream r52 (using the test app). This didn't happen at all in a previous revision, I don't exactly remember which one.

Does this happen on win32 too? Can you test it for me, please? I can't easily setup mingw right now.

The rest of formats work ok (in the test app, because my gstreamer plugin only plays brstm yet ;) and it doesn't loop very well).
EDIT: Brawl brstm's play fine too. It only happens with Super Paper Mario.

(BTW, great work with vgmstream)

edited 6:36 PM EDT March 15, 2008
by hcs at 6:55 PM EDT on March 15, 2008
@javispedro: Super Paper Mario has broken files which say they are 44100 Hz when they are really 22050 Hz. I haven't added the hack to fix that into vgmstream yet.

@Bugger: I am very confused. test > test.txt will write the metadata to test.txt and the sound to dump.wav. test -m > test.txt will only write the metadata to test.txt. I don't know how adxencd is related to this discussion.

@Franpa: That is odd, I don't notice anything with Winamp 5.24 in Wine. What version are you running? I'll try to run it under Windows and see what happens.

edited 6:57 PM EDT March 15, 2008

I can't seem to reproduce this ADX issue, with a few versions of Winamp on Windows XP. Could you give me some more details of your setup (what specific file are you using)? Are you using the r49 release? Do you maybe have other conflicting plugins?

edited 7:09 PM EDT March 15, 2008
by Franpa at 8:33 PM EDT on March 15, 2008
Shit, my bad. I meant Winamp 5.52 for windows (XP home sp2) and i may have played some BRSTM files then some ADX files then closed winamp.

additional plugins (including vgstream)...

In_vgstream r49
Alpha-II SPC Player v3.33
64th Note v1.2 beta 3
by hcs at 5:54 AM EDT on March 16, 2008
Oh... does it happen consistently? I really need consistent steps to follow to cause the crash (which exact files you used). And if it doesn't happen all the time when you follow those steps I need to know how frequent it is.
by Bugger at 6:02 AM EDT on March 16, 2008
@Bugger: I am very confused. test > test.txt will write the metadata to test.txt and the sound to dump.wav. test -m > test.txt will only write the metadata to test.txt. I don't know how adxencd is related to this discussion.

adxencd is just a command line tool, you can replace it with any...
I mean, try it, type it in: "test > test.txt"
the result is a blank test.txt .
But with the -m switch it suddenly works...
"test blah.adx -m > test.txt" then I have the proper medtadata in the file...
I`m also confused...

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