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by hcs at 3:37 AM EDT on September 6, 2009
XMPlay is crashing all over the place when I try switching quickly between tracks, in any historical version. I did manage to get the skipping behavior once with 690 but I'm doubtful that this ever worked perfectly.
As the crashes are all in xmplay.exe itself and not in the plugin I'm going to place the blame on XMPlay. If there was source available I could look into it. No idea why this would apparently affect particularly WAA/WAM files, if as you say everything else works, but it may be that you just don't notice it (and if you didn't notice this instability I can see how that would happen).

edited 3:51 AM EDT September 6, 2009

I've pointed out the We Love Katamari issue to Fast, there was a recent update to MIB that might have been responsible.

edited 3:53 AM EDT September 6, 2009

manakoAT noticed a bug in WAA that's been around since the beginning (also a similar one in .wsd), maybe give r694 a try and see if it clears things up. The trouble involved a file handle leak.

edited 4:12 AM EDT September 6, 2009
by SmartOne at 3:32 PM EDT on September 6, 2009
XMPlay itself is crashing? I haven't had that problem with version

r694 exhibits the same behavior. Actually, the W** files seem worse; they don't play at all (the popping and skipping starts right away.)

edited 4:05 PM EDT September 6, 2009
by Vuze at 2:45 AM EDT on September 14, 2009
Hey guys,
great work you all are doing :)
But I have a little request:
would it be possible to add Monster Hunter 3 (Wii) .ssd files?
I uploaded an example here:

kind regards
by manakoAT at 2:47 AM EDT on September 14, 2009
Monster Hunter 3, already in progress :)
by VixyNyan at 2:01 PM EDT on September 14, 2009
Thank you so much for making so many format playable. I'm so happy I could finally hear '37 Mirai he Tsuzuku Kaze.ahx' from ZX Advent. ^^

Um, are you working on making .swar playable and/or is someone helping you with making it happen? I have a few rips already that include .swar files. o.o;
by bxaimc at 3:15 PM EDT on September 14, 2009
.swar? plez upload a few files :)
by VixyNyan at 3:35 PM EDT on September 14, 2009
The .swar files are in the Gyakuten Kenji pack.

The file I'm most curious about is the .swar that's 6 MB big. ^^
by bxaimc at 6:18 PM EDT on September 14, 2009
Yep, I was right. Sorry but these are sound banks for the sequences :(
by VixyNyan at 6:24 PM EDT on September 14, 2009
I'll get rid of them right away. ^^
by bxaimc at 1:50 PM EDT on September 16, 2009
vgmstream r699 is up! :)

additions/revisions since r669:

- .gcub added for Sega Soccer Slam (GC)
- .wvs added for Metal Arms (GC)
- .sck added for Scorpion King (GC)
- .swd revisions
- .mib revisions
- IMA encoding added for .snd
- .caf added for iPhone games using Apple IMA
- Maxis XA revisions
- .mxst added for Lego Island (PC)
- .sob/sab added for Worms 4: Mayhem (PC)
- .sc (EXAKT SASSC DPCM) added for Supercar Street Challenge (PS2)
- .bns added for Wii channel jingles
- .joe revisions
- .waa/wac/wad/wam revisions
- .wsd revisions
- .ads/ss2 revisions
- .rkv revisions
- .pona added for Policenauts (3DO & PSX)
- RSD6RADP (Radical IMA ADPCM)(.rsd) added for Crash Tag Team Racing (GC) & Crash of the Titans (Wii)
- .was added for Dirt 2 (Wii)

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