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by SmartOne at 11:51 PM EDT on September 16, 2009
I still have the same issues. You probably know the Lego Island format is a mess (many songs too slow, some should be 22050 Hz, block detection seems very inaccurate, skipping, pops, the files take forever to load.)
by manakoAT at 5:00 AM EDT on September 17, 2009
SmartOne, why don't you fix it then?
by hcs at 9:55 AM EDT on September 17, 2009
Hm, where are these Lego Island files?
Found them in another thread, I'll see if I can work something out.

edited 9:58 AM EDT September 17, 2009
by SmartOne at 11:29 PM EDT on September 17, 2009
ManakoAT, you don't want a bug report? Again, sorry for helping.
by hcs at 11:36 PM EDT on September 17, 2009
Largely fixed MxSt decoding in r700, build is up though looping isn't supported and the combined video and audio track don't work, at least what is there is playing right.
by SmartOne at 11:52 PM EDT on September 17, 2009
Thank you! A handful of files don't play, and I'm pretty sure they're not all combined video/audio files (if any) because I know at least one song is missing (the awesome Hospital theme.) They are:

by hcs at 1:09 AM EDT on September 18, 2009
All those but 53 and up play fine here.

edited 1:09 AM EDT September 18, 2009

Though not in Winamp, odd... will check.

edited 1:12 AM EDT September 18, 2009

Fixed, computations were overflowing 32-bit longs, now uses UINT64_C() to summon appropriately vast constants. r701 build up.

edited 1:34 AM EDT September 18, 2009
by marioman at 9:13 AM EDT on September 18, 2009
Thanks to bxaimc and hcs for the Lego Island support. Everything sounds great.
by hcs at 10:52 AM EDT on September 18, 2009
Not to knock bxaimc if he worked on something I didn't notice, but it was jurrasicPieter who did the first round of support.
by bxaimc at 11:11 PM EDT on September 18, 2009
I didn't do anything with the code this time. I merely just noticed how long it took to load the songs since it killed my cpu usage when vgmstream first supported it. It wasn't looked into until like now.

edited 11:12 PM EDT September 18, 2009

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