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by marcusss at 6:52 AM EDT on October 31, 2009

edited 7:18 AM EDT October 31, 2009
by SmartOne at 9:49 PM EST on November 5, 2009
Ugh, Spyro - The Eternal Night sounds pretty uninspired, anyway. Spyro without Stewart Copeland composing is like something good... without an essential part.
by SmartOne at 8:36 PM EST on November 6, 2009
Spyro - Enter The Dragonfly (2002)(Universal Interactive)[PS2][Sony ADPCM][MIB]

004 - MG_CC_C.MIB
010 - MG_JJ_C.MIB
019 - L_1_DD.MIB

Glitchy, stuttery, like that one We Love Katamari file. Perhaps the interleave should be 0x20000 bytes like the others?

edited 8:50 PM EST November 6, 2009
by hcs at 1:06 PM EST on November 8, 2009
Try making a GENH and find out?
by SmartOne at 1:40 PM EST on November 8, 2009
By Jove, it works! Should whole sets be GENH-ed for consistency or just the problematic files?
by manakoAT at 3:38 PM EST on November 8, 2009
The MIB set is good like it is, there was just some work on the MIB meta in the vgmstream source, some things have still to be fixed... be patient :)
by Hotcakes at 4:57 PM EST on November 8, 2009
Which We Love Katamari file? I listened to all of them and didn't notice any problem file.
by SmartOne at 7:03 PM EST on November 8, 2009
117 King of King's Song.MIB

Interleave is 0xb000 when it should be 0x1000. It used to work as-is.

edited 7:05 PM EST November 8, 2009
X-TREME BETA XMPLAY BUILD by unknownfile at 5:14 PM EST on November 12, 2009
Now building for XMPlay. The newest revision I have works nicely on most tracks. However, the output is a complete hack:

- If left to its own devices, XMplay plays the song twice as fast.
- If we use a quick and dirty function to double the amount of samples written, some songs crash.
- If we divide the sample rate, the quality degrades.

I had to do something with those last two points. Songs that play back using a 'trusted' sampling rate will play back using those sampling rates, others will have the sample rate divided.

Otherwise stuff is OK for playback unless you're wanting to play files that aren't looped, in which case your ears are set to be raped once the track ends.

The test DLL is over here. Note that a lot of stuff isn't in the supported filetype list, just drag one into XMplay to get it to play. That, or you can just associate brstms and be done with it.

IMO, the vgmstream core needs a bit of a cleanup in terms of interfaces, because right now it looks like a bit of a mess (see also decode_vgmstream).
by iloveyou at 9:22 PM EST on February 27, 2010
Today! a chance discovery.
foo input vgmstream
Wow~ Thank you~ Josh W~

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