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by Hotcakes at 10:16 PM EST on February 28, 2010
lol @SmartOne I completely forgot about this thread...
by Elven Spellmaker at 10:45 AM EDT on March 26, 2010
Out of interest, is the source code for the last version available anywhere?
by Mouser X at 1:16 PM EDT on March 26, 2010
Well, VGMstream is hosted on sourceforge. You can check here to see the VGMstream page (but the compiled version available there is old), which should have the most recent changes. You can also check HCS's VGMstream page, in case I got the links wrong. But yes, the most recent changes *should* be available there, I'd think. I could be wrong. It is possible that HCS changed the code, without submitting the changes.

Either way, hope that helps. Mouser X over and out.
by hcs at 11:53 AM EDT on March 29, 2010
Sometimes I do that (update the code without committing to svn) with particularly experimental things, but currently all the latest code is in svn. You can access it through the "develop" link on sourceforge.
vgmstream by jonai at 1:42 AM EDT on April 6, 2010

I got the following files in xmplay 3.5
still test.exe says failed to open


that I have extracted from

Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing (2010)(Sega)[XBOX360][CRI ADX ADPCM - Xbox Media Audio][ADX - STR].zip

The file is detected as WAV with the correct timing in xmplay but does not play and is shown as dead file.

Is that a problem of xmplay? or of vgmstream? or of me?? I did not test it in winamp. I do not have winamp and will never have it...

thank you in advance
by Mouser X at 3:27 AM EDT on April 6, 2010
The problem is a slight misunderstanding on your part. See in the file name where it says "[CRI ADX ADPCM - Xbox Media Audio]"? That tells you the formats contained in the rip. In other words, it contains ADX (CRI ADX ADPCM) files, and XMA (Xbox Media Audio) files. Those STR files you're trying to play are XMA format, with an STR extension. VGMstream does not yet play the XMA format of any kind, regardless of extension. Perhaps it will one day, but for now, you need to use a combination of tools to convert the STR files into WAV files. I do not know what this combination of tools is, but I do know that it includes "toWave.exe" which is what does the actual decoding. I believe that bxaimc could tell you more on how to decode the XMA/STR files to WAV.

Anyway, hope that helps. Mouser X over and out.
by bxaimc at 9:58 AM EDT on April 6, 2010
Just in case people don't read the torrent description: Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing (x360) ToWav Convert
vgmstream by jonai at 10:48 AM EDT on April 6, 2010
Now that you described the problem, I understand, I feel enlightened but also dumb because I fell for the *.STR extension :)

You are right, I did not read the torrent description because I did not see it.
Thank you very much for that information.
I did not know that xma is not playable yet, I thought the code to play it that is inside the xbox360 game could be used to play it back like it is the case with the PSF formats. Wher can I find more information about this XMA thing??

fare well.
by bxaimc at 11:57 AM EDT on April 6, 2010
XMA is decoded through the Xbox 360 hardware. More specifically, the Xenon processor.
by manakoAT at 10:25 AM EDT on April 23, 2010
vgmstream-r784 up!

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