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by FireDivine at 12:45 AM EDT on May 8, 2010
Oh well. I tried.
by Sir-Sabin at 5:43 AM EDT on May 11, 2010
i've been playing with the idea of getting tags in streams with out changing the crc of the files, the idea i got was putting the tags in a file that vgmstream will read and display in winamp/foobar.
i used Final Fantasy XIII (360) as a sample

VGMStream will use this to display in winamp/foobar

Artist= Masashi Hamauzu, Mitsuto Suzuki, Ryo Yamazaki
Album= Final Fantasy XIII
System= Xbox 360
Year= 2010
Developer= Square Enix
Publisher= Sqaure Enix
Genre= Role-Playing
Format= .xma
Ripped by= bxaimc

what do you guys think?
by Elven Spellmaker at 2:33 PM EDT on May 11, 2010
How will Winamp know which file is which?

Will it do a CRC check to see which file it is?
by Sir-Sabin at 8:32 PM EDT on May 11, 2010
you put it in the folder you want to tag, it will take the title from the file name and no it won't, for a sample 105 - Masashi Hamauzu - Saber's Edge.pos will display as Masashi Hamauzu, Mitsuto Suzuki, Ryo Yamazaki - Saber's Edge - Final Fantasy XIII, is it a confusing? throw your ideas in this.
by Elven Spellmaker at 10:56 PM EDT on May 14, 2010
No it makes sense, but what if I rename the files?

From 105 - Masashi Hamauzu - Saber's Edge.pos to Saber's Edge.pos for example?

I don't generally rename my files which is why I want tags more than some.
by arbingordon at 12:00 AM EDT on May 15, 2010
then you just standardize filenames being %tracknumber% - %tracktitle%.%ext%
rather than whatever the tagger feels like
by Sir-Sabin at 7:57 AM EDT on May 16, 2010
105 - Saber's Edge.pos would be better, just like a ost
by Elven Spellmaker at 12:31 PM EDT on May 16, 2010
Well, am I the only one who hates numbers in music files at the beginning?

I just hate it especially when its labeled something like 105 meaning disc one track five.
by fridgey at 12:53 PM EDT on May 16, 2010
Probably just have to make the first field in the tags the filename, and have some sort of "standard" defined, whatever it is. If someone wants to change the filenames they just have double the work and have to edit the tagging file too. Same sort of deal as creating m3u's to tag the single-file formats like gbs.
by Hotcakes at 9:53 PM EDT on May 16, 2010
I personally prefer the xyy - artist - title format. Everything gets dumped in my Winamp playlist and sorted by file path and the f3 function can then be used effectively.

Before I discovered F3 it was harder though. preferred title - artist then.

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