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by Mirby at 12:46 AM EDT on May 17, 2010
derr... I never knew about F3... nice tip!
by Hotcakes at 8:59 PM EDT on May 17, 2010
Ha! Glad to help. F3 is a life saver. You can also go into options and configure nice little things like skinning the F3 window, making it remember your last search upon opening... the window position and size also gets saved so you can have it where you like it. Tonnes of other options...
Mario Galaxy 2 by DjKnuX at 9:39 AM EDT on May 21, 2010
Well, a copy of Mario Galaxy 2 arrived the net today.
Here some Info, naybe your interested in it.
It seems that the Game uses the same Format as Mario Galaxy and all Files work perfectly as far as I can say in vgmstream (r795).
The Files play at 2048 KBPS, 32 KhZ, Surround-Mode (as Winamp says). If some information of these are wrong please correct me. ;)

For those who don't believe me heres a little Screenshot:

Have a nice day! :)

edited 9:44 AM EDT May 21, 2010
by Mouser X at 2:18 PM EST on January 31, 2012
Well, I don't like raising this from the dead, but I found a small problem with VGMstream, and I figured this was the appropriate place to mention it.

I was trying to listen to "Sonic R (Sonic Gems Collection) (2007)(SEGA)[NGC][DS}].zip", and it's really messed up. I assume the sample rate and interleave are being interpreted incorrectly. I tried various versions of VGMstream, to see if I could find where they stopped working (I could have sworn it used to work at one time), but everything I tried either didn't work at all, or played back badly (r751 didn't play at all, and r806 played badly).

I realize that it's not *that* big of a deal, as there's multiple consoles/rips of this game. Still though, I thought it should at least be mentioned. Mouser X over and out.
by soneek at 2:32 AM EST on March 3, 2012
Sorry to bump this up, but I have a request. I see that -b outputs variables that can be recalled later. Would you guys be able to add another variable for the sample rate?

So for a 32000 Hz song, along with the other variables, it would give you "set rate=32000"

Thanks in advance for your time.

edited 9:59 PM EST March 3, 2012
test.exe output sample rate batch variable by soneek at 12:12 PM EDT on March 11, 2012
Never mind, I actually figured out how to build it with my edits. If anyone needs it, let me know.

edited 12:43 PM EDT March 11, 2012
Updating Winamp by Elven Spellmaker at 11:29 AM EDT on August 12, 2012
So I decided to update Winamp from 5.52/3 (I think) to the latest 5.63 because I realised how long it was since my last Winamp update and I didn't need to replace the external DLLs for VGMStream to work.

Has this issue finally been fixed? =D
by DrO at 4:41 PM EDT on August 12, 2012
maybe, there was some white-listing of dlls added to prevent the OS doing a base re-calculation on some dlls but i cannot remember if anything for vgmstream was added (since no one ever provided me the means to detect non-msvc compiled dlls so we have to just white-list things which i don't call a 'solution'.

by Franpa at 12:47 AM EDT on September 13, 2012
Thought I'd listen to that Gradius III & IV sound track and after about 2 minutes in to the very first track (G0_BGM.MIB) I get this crash in Winamp even though it is using Highly Experimental plugin and not VGMStream r994.

Edit: Oh okay now, I was expecting Highly Experimental to playback the music as the music is taken from the PS2 game but apparently VGMStream is used for playback.

Happens consistently at the 2:13 - 2:14 mark in the song even when seeking straight to just before then. (2:00)

Lmfao what! If I click Play on Winamp after the crash it replays the song.. and then for some reason the Windows exception dialog box no longer closes Winamp when you choose the option to close Winamp... xD

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:    APPCRASH
Application Name:    winamp.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp:    4fec7b3e
Fault Module Name:    in_vgmstream.dll
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp:    503c5a41
Exception Code:    c0000005
Exception Offset:    0005e4ed
OS Version:    6.1.7601.
Locale ID:    3081

edited 1:12 AM EDT September 13, 2012

edited 1:12 AM EDT September 13, 2012
by Franpa at 1:54 AM EDT on September 13, 2012
I just noticed, it does not play a lot of the files correctly either. I am assuming the songs from either Gradius III or IV use a unsupported format or protection scheme as the file extension is the same for all files.

edited 1:59 AM EDT September 13, 2012

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