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by snakemeat at 8:53 AM EDT on September 13, 2012
MIB support has never been 100% in vgmstream since it is a headerless format. You'd probably be best making GENH files using the MIB source data.
by Franpa at 10:09 AM EDT on September 15, 2012
Could you either reiterate how to do such or link me to where it is already explained?
by snakemeat at 12:18 AM EDT on September 16, 2012
How to find interleave:
by Franpa at 10:20 AM EDT on September 17, 2012
Yep, that is indeed that... but how do you use that information to make a GENH file? I mean yes that gets you the offset but I dunno how that in it self is helpful.

edited 10:26 AM EDT September 17, 2012
by Franpa at 2:13 AM EDT on October 5, 2012
So... just use this tool which presumably requests an offset which you acquire via the process you have outlined?

Also for some weird reason Winamp now refuses to play any of the files at all, no idea why either. It just randomly decided one day to spew out the following error messages instead of outputting garbled audio.

Error Buffering - Out of Memory

Error Queuing - Invalid Name

Error With Source
Error with Source - Invalid Name

edited 2:16 AM EDT October 5, 2012

Changing the output device from WUMPAS OpenAL to the default DirectSound gets rid of the error messages but it still no longer plays the audio files at all. Originally it did play some of them fine, except when it came to looping.

edited 2:19 AM EDT October 5, 2012

Nevermind, disregard all of the errors. They were caused by telling Vgmstream to loop files normally, rather then play forever. Which kinda (maybe not?) makes sense in this situation since there is no defined loop point or end. (I currently am assuming some kind of silence detection code aint working right under these conditions?)

edited 2:25 AM EDT October 5, 2012
by snakemeat at 9:06 AM EDT on October 5, 2012
Oops, forgot about this. VGMToolbox has a GENH creator. I think it is pretty self explanatory. For format choose Playstation 4-bit ADPCM.
by Franpa at 2:04 AM EDT on October 7, 2012
Hi, how do you go about it if the first 10 bytes of data don't re-occur later in the file? Safe to assume the file isn't interleaved or?

Also how do you figure out the loop points (Loop Start and Loop End)? I left them disabled and just set it not to loop which fixes the crash at the end of the song when it would otherwise loop but now it obviously doesn't loop!

So I need to know how to work out (Basically get told... >.>") how to determine the looping!

your help so far is greatly appreciated!

edited 3:34 AM EDT October 7, 2012
by snakemeat at 9:22 AM EDT on October 7, 2012
Hi, how do you go about it if the first 10 bytes of data don't re-occur later in the file? Safe to assume the file isn't interleaved or?

This is not always the case, but it is this time.

Also how do you figure out the loop points (Loop Start and Loop End)? I left them disabled and just set it not to loop which fixes the crash at the end of the song when it would otherwise loop but now it obviously doesn't loop!

For Sony ADPCM, let VGMToolbox find the loops for you. If it cannot, the loop points are usually stored in the game's program files somewhere. No easy way to help there.

I've uploaded the GENH headers and a batch file to add them to the originals. You can use the Edit function of VGMToolbox's GENH editor to see the settings on the resulting GENH files (or change them, I guessed on frequency) after applying the headers. Find them here. I hope looking at the settings will help you learn, good luck!

edited 9:23 AM EDT October 7, 2012
by Franpa at 5:46 AM EDT on October 9, 2012
Amazing work man and thank you for the excellent and informative help with this issue of mine!

edited 5:47 AM EDT October 9, 2012
by Franpa at 7:44 AM EDT on October 9, 2012
Sorry to bother you again but I've noticed that songs after G3_BGMA1.genh are suffering from portions of the audio looping. Not entirely sure what the cause of that is but everything up to this point plays fine!

I assume this is an interleave issue?

and the loop point for G0_BGM.genh seems to be slightly wrong (Nothing too major, I'm sure I can figure that out on my own through trial/error. just mess with the samples values until it sounds right...)

Edit: Nevermind I figured out that the files prefixed with G4 all relate to the 4th game and so I applied the same settings you've applied to the G0_BGM.MIB file and it seems to work but I am unsure about the looping. The auto detect option does not work, it still crashes the plugin at the loop point.

G0_BGM.MIB doesn't exhibit the crash anymore so I know that specifying loop parameters will fix this crash issue but I am unsure how to tell what to put in to the Loop Start and Loop End fields. I Assume there is some way of converting time in to samples? or somewhere there is timing info available...

edited 8:04 AM EDT October 9, 2012

edited 8:04 AM EDT October 9, 2012

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