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by snakemeat at 8:51 AM EDT on October 9, 2012
Sorry, I'm not sure how to convert time into samples. I'm sure it's a simple formula, I just don't know it.

If you know the location in the file, you can always enter the offset and right click it to convert bytes to samples.
by hcs at 9:20 AM EDT on October 9, 2012
samples = time * sample rate

sample rate is samples/second, seconds * samples/second = samples

[edit] on second thought this seems way too obvious, maybe I misunderstand what the issue is.

edited 9:21 AM EDT October 9, 2012
by Franpa at 5:03 PM EDT on October 9, 2012
So as an example a 60 second song at 44.1KHZ would be 2646000 samples right?

If so then yeah you're right about that being some what obvious now that I look at it however I had never thought of having to work this kind of thing out before so it just caused me to go blank.

edited 5:04 PM EDT October 9, 2012

edited 5:04 PM EDT October 9, 2012
by puggsoy at 10:04 AM EDT on October 10, 2012
Heya! First of all I'd like to say that vgmstream is fantastic, it's seriously one of the best things ever.
However, I've been wondering what the latest versions have been adding? The readme doesn't change at all, but I do see that the file sizes are increasing. In particular I'd like to know any changes to test.exe, since I'm using that for my program (can't use DLLs).

So are the latest version just more stable or fast? Or are there other changes that just haven't been added to the readme?
by hcs at 12:58 PM EDT on October 10, 2012
It's mostly just been new format support, check out the change log.
by puggsoy at 1:43 PM EDT on October 10, 2012
Oh OK, cool. I'll have to check that out whenever a new version is released then, and see if it's significant enough to update my program.
by Friendly Blob at 12:56 AM EST on November 18, 2012
Hello! I've been trying to do my own rip of the .dsp audio in Megaman X Command Mission using in_vgmstream, but running into problems at every turn.

Certain tracks loop erratically with in_cube...lots of early loops plus even some late loops with a screechy interlude. With the latest version of vgmstream, none of the looping tracks play at all (and test.exe fails to open them). Even the tracks that in_cube looped correctly (as far as I could tell) don't open.

I'm new to this, so I don't even know whether vgmstream is known to not work with some DSP audio or what. Oh, and I also tried old in_dsp plugins, and they did incorrect loops just like in_cube.
by Mouser X at 8:58 PM EST on November 19, 2012
For whatever reason, the DSP files from MMX:CM and MMNT don't seem to play "correctly". As in, last I heard, they were being read/played correctly, but the data within the files themselves was poor (how this could be has always confused me, since the files obviously work within the game itself). So, instead of ripping the NGC version, the PS2 version (of MMX:CM) was ripped. And that game uses ADXs, which are a lot easier to handle anyway.

That said, I haven't tried to play the DSPs from MMX:CM, since the ADXs work just fine. Perhaps it's time for those files to be looked at again, and maybe they can be played back correctly now. Personally, I would recommend you just get the ADX files from the PS2 game. But if you're interested in MMNT, then you might be out of luck.

Obviously, my post didn't really answer your concern, but hopefully it does provide a useful "work around". Mouser X over and out.
by Friendly Blob at 2:35 AM EST on November 25, 2012
Thanks for that. I figured it was one of those rare exceptions, and especially since a rip of the PS2 version was easily possible, I doubted whether there would be particular interest.

It's fine, though. In the end, I found a lossless upload of the Japanese soundtrack release, and then used vgmstream to rip the tracks it was missing...which were coincidentally all ones it was able to loop properly (or that didn't loop).

Since it's such a limited problem, I don't think there's much good reason to look into the DSPs more.
by dj4uk6cjm at 12:21 AM EST on November 28, 2012
I really hope you guys add multi-channel support for brstm files soon.

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