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by bxaimc at 10:32 AM EST on November 28, 2012
It's been there for years...
by dj4uk6cjm at 2:46 PM EST on November 28, 2012
Obviously not or you would of added a feature to mute the channels or at least create them from brstm's. :(

edited 2:47 PM EST November 28, 2012
by hcs at 10:22 PM EST on November 28, 2012
It's true that vgmstream has no support for breaking down brstms, but it ought to be able to decode any of them. You can use the command line decoder (test.exe) to isolate pairs of stereo channels, the option is -2. ("test.exe -2 0" for the first pair, "test.exe -2 1" for the next, etc.)
by Knurek at 11:16 AM EST on December 4, 2012
I've been taking a look at some PS2 games, and I run into some problems, maybe someone here will be able to help:

FIFA 2001.str: Early FIFA Soccer games seem to use weird variant of EA streams, which gets detected by VGMStream as Nintendo DSP.

Fatal Fury - Battle Archives Volume 2.SVAG: FastElbja's player detects this as a Stereo VAG and can decode it to WAV properly. VGMStream doesn't (I've tried VAG and SVAG extensions). I can convert it to GENH and it plays fine, but this method lacks the looping information. Is this format even supported by VGMStream? If not, can anyone take a look and tell me where can I find the looping information in the header? I could at least do a GENH rip then.

I've uploaded the examples here. Let me know if you need more information. :)
by Knurek at 12:12 PM EST on January 9, 2013
hcs, while ripping PSP games I've ran into some ADX files that don't play with vgmstream.

Maybe it's this a new variant of encryption? Or just bad rips?

Anyways, I've uploaded samples from two games here. Let me know if you need more.
by Knurek at 9:26 AM EST on January 10, 2013
Okay, I've tried running guessadx on those files, could someone please add the following keys to vgmstream?

-s 5e75 -m 4a89 -a 4c61
-s 64ab -m 5297 -a 632f
-s 4d82 -m 5243 -a 685

by bxaimc at 9:54 AM EST on January 10, 2013

edited 11:44 AM EST January 10, 2013
by hcs at 2:06 PM EST on January 10, 2013
build up

Though I now see bx already gave you a copy, props for primes!

edited 3:37 PM EST January 10, 2013
by Knurek at 4:47 AM EST on January 11, 2013
Thanks, guys.
by jamrial at 7:34 PM EST on January 13, 2013
Hello. I wanted to mention i found two problems in the code for RSD3GADP demuxing.

First, vgmstream->num_samples and vgmstream->loop_end_sample are using the hardcoded offset 0x800 to calculate the number of samples, when they should be using the start_offset variable instead (Which gets its value from the actual RSD file).

Second problem is in the loop that fetches the adpcm coef table. It's using read_16bitBE when it should be using read_16bitLE, and it's starting from offset 0x1D when it should be starting from 0x1C.

You can test this using the sample in (type_rsddsp - hum01.rsd), mainly the second problem which makes vgmstream decode the file wrong.

I'm thinking the second problem may also affect RSD6WADP (Using big endian instead of little endian), but i can't test it since i don't have any samples.

Anyway, that's it. Keep up the good work :)

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