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by isbndcaw at 11:06 AM EDT on March 28, 2013
here is a new vawx file:
found in No more heroes red zone
vgmstream can decode it but it's extremely staticky while playing them
by dissident93 at 7:35 PM EDT on March 29, 2013
that wouldn't play at all for me. ^
by isbndcaw at 11:36 PM EDT on March 29, 2013
the vawx file contain the cellms mp3 format audio
by Knurek at 5:32 AM EDT on March 30, 2013
New ADX key:

-s 4369 -m 486d -a 5461

Used in Nichijou - Uchuujin (2011-07-28)(-)(Kadokawa Shoten)[PSP]


And another one:

-s 6809 -m 5fd5 -a 5bb1

Used in R-15 Portable (2011-10-27)(-)(Kadokawa Shoten)[PSP]


Third one for today:

-s 5c33 -m 4133 -a 4ce7

Used in Suzumiya Haruhi-chan no Mahjong (2011-07-07)(-)(Kadokawa Shoten)[PSP]

edited 7:23 AM EDT March 30, 2013
by agu fungus at 12:31 PM EDT on March 30, 2013
Oh, boy, the spam-bots are here...
by CapComMDb at 5:04 PM EDT on March 30, 2013
Hey, here's a non-spambot question:

Why hasn't Metroid Prime Hunters: First Hunt been ripped? This was the demo cart for the DS. Does it use some obscure format?
by TheUltimateKoopa at 1:02 AM EDT on March 31, 2013
I'm going to assume that there's nothing in that game that isn't in the final game?

I mean if we did that, we might as well have separate rips for Pokemon Black and Pokemon White
by CapComMDb at 3:25 PM EDT on March 31, 2013
No, there's unique tracks in First Hunt.
by hcs at 3:25 AM EDT on April 1, 2013
Thank Knurek, new vgmstream up.
by Knurek at 2:54 PM EDT on April 1, 2013
Danks, hcs, you're the bestests.

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