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by hcs at 11:16 PM EDT on April 1, 2013
There was a bug with PS ADPCM in msf (like most of Atelier Ayesha) that broke stereo, fix up in r1013. Also would have broken PCM, didn't affect MPEG which I guess is what most games are using.
by dj4uk6cjm at 12:24 PM EDT on April 3, 2013
I couldn't figure out how to get brstm channels to mute in vgmstream but i recently found out how to mute them partially and even make a few samples using another software :) had to convert them to wav first to do it though but all is well.

edited 12:25 PM EDT April 3, 2013
by TheUltimateKoopa at 9:15 PM EDT on April 5, 2013
So, an old version of vgmstream (r465) added support for .BGW files...

How come BGW files aren't playing with the later/latest vgmstream versions?
by bxaimc at 11:53 PM EDT on April 5, 2013
huh? Not all BGW can be played. The newer games use a different codec (maybe ATRAC3 based) compared to the PS ADPCMish stuff used previously.

edited 11:54 PM EDT April 5, 2013
by isbndcaw at 4:13 AM EDT on April 8, 2013
here is a new vawx file with cell ms MP3 code :
found in No more heroes red zone

here is the msmp3dec_spu.h
by TheUltimateKoopa at 12:10 AM EDT on April 9, 2013
How new is 'newer'? I downloaded all the PC rips of the FFXI games, and I thought I read that some of them could be played, but a couple probably use an ATRAC3 based codec, but none of them are playing at all. Which games can be played, which are BGW?
by manakoAT at 10:22 PM EDT on April 9, 2013
All, except "Treasures of Aht Urhgan".
by Hotcakes at 9:49 AM EDT on April 10, 2013
There were two unplayable tunes from the previous expansion which were originally included after an update (the tune for the end sequence of the story line introduced in said update and one boss battle). Are they included in Treasures or is it update only?
by TheUltimateKoopa at 12:55 PM EDT on April 11, 2013
Maybe I was playing ToAU, but I swear I tried the other ones ... but it works apparently... (Except ToAU?)
by Dais! at 2:32 PM EDT on April 15, 2013
I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before, perhaps even requested it, and it's obviously not a trivial fix or a necessary feature...

but in light of some recent complaints registered in the JoshW archives thread, is there any chance of seeing vgmstream modified to work like plugins such as NEZPlug which can read M3U files and 'fake' metadata over the files the playlist loads? I mean, I'm assuming that it can be done, but I haven't the slightest idea how much work it would take.

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