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by Team Fail at 10:50 AM EST on February 10, 2014
@Franpa: The 3DS makes use of it. Gonna download and try it out.
by soneek at 10:58 AM EST on February 10, 2014
Transformers Prime for the Wii had some bcstm files left in there for some reason. Fortunately, it helped out for any future dumps we might get.
by Franpa at 3:37 PM EST on February 11, 2014
Oh! Very awesome news indeed then!
by Franpa at 3:54 PM EST on February 11, 2014
Soneek, what games are those samples from?
by TheUltimateKoopa at 11:25 PM EST on February 11, 2014
So, as of now, is Super Mario 3D Land the only game on the 3DS other than Transformers Prime, that we know of that uses BCSTMs?
by Koto at 9:28 PM EST on February 22, 2014
A little request.

Most of the Kingdom Hearts 1.5 Remix SCD are only supported in latter builds of vgmstream. There are some files which vgmstream (r1019-test) doesn't recognize, but can be played as MP3.

Days / bgm_209.ps3
Days / bgm_210.ps3
Recom / 03F_Hercules_B
Recom / 12_Event_Yuttari
Recom / 14_Event_Odayaka
Recom / 15_Event_XIII
Recom / 16_XIIIBoss1
Recom / 17_Halloween_F
Recom / 18_Helloween_B
Recom / 45_PoohGame2
Recom / Boss1
Recom / Event1_Kinpak
Recom / Event2_

Is there any possibility to make these files playable too in a future build?

See ya

edited 9:28 PM EST February 22, 2014
by Sir-Sabin at 3:36 AM EST on February 24, 2014
i think i found a bug in vgmstream playing Surround sound aax files, Street Fighter IV (2009-02-12)(Capcom, Dimps)(Capcom) is one that has them, they are 4 or 6 channel files but it's thinking they are 2 channel files
by xenphor at 9:19 PM EST on March 5, 2014
I'm sorry I have a noob question for Linux. Since vgmstream plugin doesn't support audacious 3.x, is there a way to use the test program to output to a player like vlc? I've tried this:

./test -p File.ssf | cvlc

but I don't get sound. In fact I haven't been able to get test to even convert to wav using this command:

./test -o dump.wav File.ssf

I guess I'm not understanding something? Is test not the same as vgmstream? If not, can I just bulid a vgmstream cli binary without audacious?
by kode54 at 10:29 PM EST on March 5, 2014
Since when does Vgmstream decode SSF files? Or is this not the Sega Saturn Format variant of PSF?
by bxaimc at 11:48 PM EST on March 5, 2014
I think he may be confused.

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