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by xenphor at 12:25 AM EST on March 6, 2014
Sorry for some reason I thought it could play back formats like ssf.

So now I have some .scd files from a 360 game which vgmstream is supposed to support and I have the same problem.

$ test -p music222.scd | cvlc

no sound
(don't even know if this is correct command)

$ test -o dump.wav music222.scd
bash: test: dump.wav: binary operator expected

but ideally I'd just like to play it back and not actually decode it.
by hcs at 9:55 AM EST on March 6, 2014
test is a bash command, if you want to run the executable called test in the current directory issue the command:

by xenphor at 10:10 AM EST on March 6, 2014
Oh I see. I had copied it to my bin/ directory and was running it from there. But now I get this:

$ ./test -p music191.scd | cvlc
failed opening music191.scd

$ ./test -o dump.wav music101.scd
failed opening music101.scd
by soneek at 3:58 PM EST on March 6, 2014
Did you install the external libraries?

sudo apt-get install libmpg123-0 libvorbis-dev

That might be all I had to install to get it working, but I don't remember.
by hcs at 4:06 PM EST on March 6, 2014
I doubt the program would run if the libraries were missing. It's possible that this file just isn't supported.
by Bladeforce at 6:19 AM EST on March 7, 2014
There is a thread with a ported vgmstream plugin for audacious3 on here already
by Ultrafighter at 10:25 AM EST on March 7, 2014
I don`t know if this is even worth mentioning here but just in case someone is still confused about reasons for vgmstream`s inability to play back those files I`ll say (not even knowing the game`s name mind you) that the most obvious thing causing such behavior is containment of XMA streams in SCDs coming from a 360 game as you previously stated. As far as I know that`s not a disadvantage of just vgmstream as no other either multi-format or specialized player is capable of playing back XMAs instead of converting them to PCM WAV. SCDs vgmstream can and should support as of now are those used in PS3 versions of games which are merely containers for tracks encoded using the most standard MP3 & OGG codecs.

If you really want to make some use of those downloaded X360 version`s SCDs then you`ll most probably have to parse actual streams with xma_parse program by HCS, attach a common towav recognizable header to each one and only after doing all that you`ll probably get yourself a multitude of readily convertible XMAs. What can be the most bothersome in such a scenario is that offset for unparsed XMA stream inside original SCDs might vary greatly (in FF XIII there`re like 5 or 6 different values) so that you`ll have to look at every distinct track IE SCD with a help of some hex editor just to attempt figuring that value out by the looks of it.

Oh and finally (how could I not even think about such a possibility earlier)! I may still have and use a slightly outdated revision of the plugin in question so that it`s not able to play or decode to Wave any SCDs which don`t have the same values for frequency stated in headers for a container file and an actual contained stream. An update fixing that was released in the very end of 2013 so that you could miss it. Of course checking out if the last of these presumed possibilities is not an issue in your exact case still won`t solve the problem if SCDs don`t play because of XMAs inside but it`s worth some investigation nonetheless, am I right?

edited 10:31 AM EST March 7, 2014
by xenphor at 12:09 PM EST on March 7, 2014
Ok I got the audacious plugin to build but it seems that git repo hasn't been updated in some time so I'm guessing it's missing some features? I was able to get some wii music playing.
by Sir-Sabin at 6:32 PM EST on March 7, 2014
aren't 360's scds ogg and the ps3's scds are mp3? that's what bx told me and i heard you can name them mp3 or ogg and they will play

EDIT: appears you can't rename the ogg ones

edited 6:39 PM EST March 7, 2014
by xenphor at 12:54 PM EST on March 8, 2014
um has anybody else used the audacious 3 plugin? For some reason it will stop playing a playlist of songs after around 5-10 or so and then I have to manually press play again for the next track to start. It then plays some more tracks in the playlist and stops again.

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