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by hcs at 9:39 AM EDT on March 23, 2008
I do think I like the separate option better, it makes things more consistent. Hidden logic is to be avoided unless it is to provide something that should be genuinely transparent to the user (i.e. all the gyrations that have to be done for loop calculation, or the Super Paper Mario 22/44khz hack that I still haven't implemented in vgmstream, or how nonlooped tracks don't loop while it might strictly make sense for them to loop if a loop count is specified).
by hcs at 12:53 PM EDT on April 2, 2008
It's been a little while, here's another version of vgmstream. Added standard DSP (with dual stereo), Cstr and RS03. No configuration for the Winamp plugin still.

Ah, crud, just remembered that I didn't add the .dsp extension for the Winamp plugin.

r64 now up with .dsp supported in in_vgmstream.

edited 1:04 PM EDT April 2, 2008

r68 SVN now builds with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. You should be able to just open vgmstream.sln and get building.

edited 10:20 AM EDT April 3, 2008
by fastelbja at 10:52 AM EDT on April 3, 2008
youpi :)
by unknownfile at 10:51 AM EDT on April 4, 2008
I made a mistake with some stuff yesterday, hopefully I'll be able to fix bugs with my code before I send stuff to the SVN.
by MarkGrass at 7:08 PM EDT on April 21, 2008
Any progress on this?
by hcs at 3:50 AM EDT on April 22, 2008
I put up a new version a few days ago that supports > 2 channel brstms (though the Winamp plugin still only works with stereo). And there was some other odd format supported, GCSW. Other than that, no.

edited 3:51 AM EDT April 22, 2008
vgmstream by neothe0ne at 10:31 PM EDT on April 28, 2008
Were there any problems with formats looping or otherwise in in_cube besides the looping issue with BRSTM files that vgmstream fixes?
by hcs at 12:47 AM EDT on April 29, 2008
Not that I'm aware of. There may be in the new (post GC) formats.
by starerik at 10:56 AM EDT on May 3, 2008
So when will we be able to configure the Winamp plugin? Set the loops and stuff.
by Elven Spellmaker at 3:03 PM EDT on May 3, 2008
Starerik: "So when will we be able to configure the Winamp plugin? Set the loops and stuff. "

And also be able to play multi channel *.brstm files, like "Koopa Cape" thorugh Winamp?

edited 3:03 PM EDT May 3, 2008

edited 3:10 PM EDT May 3, 2008

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