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by vajuvaju at 9:12 PM EDT on April 19, 2014
I'm posting two .zip files from the PS2 and GC versions of the 2002 game Spider-Man (the Movie). These cannot be decoded by any plugin. Both have an .snd file, as well as a file that probably contains the music (.vbc for PS2, .gsw for GC). Is there any way they can be decoded by vgmstream?

by Rew at 9:36 AM EDT on April 20, 2014
I just wanted to ask again how to get music from Paper Mario: TTYD playing via vgmstream? I saw in another thread where someone had all those tracks listed as .dsp files. I tried changing the extension on mine to .dsp as well, but alas, it gave me the same error message as usual.

I know I have the plug-in installed correctly because Super Paper Mario plays just fine now. But any help for TTYD? Thanks!
by Rew at 9:10 PM EDT on April 20, 2014
So I think I may have figured out what my problem is--all my TTYD music files are stuck in .stm format. Even if I change the extension (e.g. to dsp), then I get a file that says in Properties, "filename.dsp.stm"). No matter what I do, I can't change the .stm to .dsp or really get rid of the .stm at all.

So how do I change the type from .stm to .dsp then? Is there a special kind of software I have to download to convert it from one kind to another? I hope someone answers me soon. (This is bothering me more than it should...)
by tranxient at 9:23 PM EDT on April 20, 2014
Maybe you have "Hide extensions for known file types" enabled (it is on by default). This can make it a pain to change extensions. This setting is ultimately located in the "Folder Options" dialog, but how to get there varies with different versions of Windows. Perhaps you could try one of these...


by Rew at 9:34 PM EDT on April 20, 2014

As is usually the case with these things, it turned out to be something just that simple. Yeah, my setting had it so the file extension wouldn't show on certain files (like .stm), so I changed that, then could change to .dsp no problem. And now the music plays just fine.

Thanks tranxient!
by Dais! at 11:44 PM EDT on April 29, 2014
for some reason, even with the latest Foobar and the latest vgmstream and ADPCM plugins, there are still some PSP AT3 files that don't work, and Foobar doesn't recognize OMA files as valid. Is it likely I screwed something up somewhere? Am I missing some other codec/plugin that I should already have? A version of FFMPEG different from the built-in one, maybe? Or do I need to make sure it's a proper installation, not a portable one?

An example of both of these problems is with the GGXX Accent Core set at (~4mb).

incidentally, I'm probably completely off-base, but...with the appropriate plugins, Foobar plays at3 files directly, right? They aren't converted to WAV and stored in memory somehow? As you probably realize, I don't understand the process very well...
by Nisto at 1:49 AM EDT on May 11, 2014
Is anyone else getting "short bursts" (kind of a stutter, but basically only appears once) with the latest version? It happens sometimes when e.g. a PSF repeats ("repeat (track)" mode). It hasn't happened with non-PSF tracks yet, so... yeah, I don't know... The weird thing is, they're always at the same position. And nope, I have no damaged sectors on the disk or anything. I scanned the sectors that the files allocate twice.

EDIT: I think I found the culprit.. Playback Statistics Custom. It updates the amount of times a track has been played when it ends. It went away after I disabled updating of the tag. But uh.. if it didn't happen before, I guess there must be something new in vgmstream that causes this? I haven't even touched the Playback Statistics Custom component for like, over half a year..

edited 1:54 AM EDT May 11, 2014
by kode54 at 8:36 PM EDT on May 13, 2014
PSF files are not handled by VGMStream. And if you have play counts set to tag your files, the PSF will be stopped, retagged, then restarted, which requires it to fast forward up to the current time again.

Also, PSF files can be configured to loop forever, rather than simply repeating from the start. (As can VGMStream, but you asked about PSF files.)

edited 8:37 PM EDT May 13, 2014
by Dais! at 12:54 AM EDT on May 14, 2014
Is it possible for Foobar (or Winamp) to use two output plugins at the same time?

It's purely a theoretical question, but I've been wondering if the best way to create a full Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne set is to alter PSF and vgmstream plugins so that they can read PSF files with special headers (or an m3u or whatever) and use both plugins to play special cases like the battle themes, which play streaming audio over sequenced tracks. Maybe such a setup might eventually provide insight into tr-ace PS2 games work? Well, that's just wishful thinking.
by Dais! at 12:54 AM EDT on May 14, 2014
lies I never double post

edited 4:03 AM EDT May 14, 2014

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