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by Knurek at 5:56 AM EDT on May 14, 2014
You're better off recording them separately and mixing afterwards in Audacity.
by Nisto at 7:44 AM EDT on May 14, 2014
Ah, sorry kode54! I tend to mix all the different VGM components up. XD Anyway, guess I'll settle for infinite loops then.

EDIT: ... well, I just tried enabling "force all songs to play indefinitely", but, the issue remains.

edited 8:20 AM EDT May 14, 2014
by kode54 at 9:21 PM EDT on May 14, 2014
You should also disable tagging your files with play counts, if possible. Unless you really want all of your files rewritten every time you play them.
by Nisto at 3:22 AM EDT on May 15, 2014
Unless you really want all of your files rewritten every time you play them.

I'm afraid I do.. I used to use customdb for such tags, but the problem became that, if a file was moved (matching by filepath) or the file's tags or whatever (matching by track info) changed, then the keys for the entry in the customdb database no longer matched, so the tags would basically be "lost". Yeah, I know, they're still there, and I could use an SQLite manager to edit and update the keys in its database manually, but, mass updating filepaths, not to mention tags, is such a chore and not at all convenient. I'm sorry for being off-topic here, but if you have a better solution for storing playback counts, then please do tell. (The Playback Statistics component also matches by filepaths - at least last I checked.)

But at the same time I wonder why it has suddenly started doing this? I mean, I've used the same fb2k setup for months and this issue only appeared after my latest component update, I'm quite sure. Did you add something to PSF Decoder lately that may cause this? Did it not stop/write/restart (like you mention) before?

edited 4:14 AM EDT May 15, 2014
by kode54 at 6:33 AM EDT on May 15, 2014
It should work just fine, as long as you only have foo_psf, and not foo_input_upse. The former is guaranteed to seek and replay properly, the latter is unknown, and has been removed from download anyway.
by Nisto at 9:10 AM EDT on May 15, 2014
@kode54: don't have (and never did have) foo_input_upse installed. Here is a components report of what I do have installed, FWIW:

I know it's a lot to ask, but could you try testing out the Playback Statistics Custom component? Personally, I use the "Update when a track is ended" setting, but it does happen with all other possible settings, too (except "disable" of course).

And as I said, it never happened before my latest update batch (via the components page). I can't remember which version of foo_psf I was on before the current (2.0.38), but Playback Statistics Custom was not updated (it's kind of abandonware since 2009, and it's also impossible since it isn't in the components repository), so it's not something new in Playback Statistics Custom component that causes this.
by kode54 at 9:08 PM EDT on May 18, 2014
It only causes a discontinuity here. Blank spot. Because when it hits the minute mark, it takes it longer than my sound output buffer to restart playback and seek up to the minute mark.

Try increasing your playback buffer size to between 5 and 10 seconds.
by Nisto at 6:32 AM EDT on May 19, 2014
Yes, "discontinuity" is what I mean pretty much. Increasing the buffer size only pushes the discontinuity to a later point in the track.

But I'm afraid I have to admit I've been a fool. The thing is, I actually haven't had a single PSF in my music library before I last updated my components (I had some, but they were not in the library; PSFs I had in the past I converted due to slow, and sometimes inaccurate seeking, and.. now it looks like I may have another reason to :p). Therefore, since I have Playback Statistics Custom set to only update on library music, it has never actually updated the tags of any PSF file before... I guess I just thought I had played some PSFs I had in my library once and that it did work fine...

Anyway, thanks for putting up with me. I'm just relieved knowing the problem isn't just on my side.
by xenphor at 12:56 AM EDT on May 23, 2014
Do some tracks not have looping information? For example, I'm trying to encode X-men vs SF for psx using:

./test -l 1 -f 10 -g -o "$a.wav" "$a"

but tracks like the character select sreen music loop for 5 minutes.
by vajuvaju at 4:30 AM EDT on July 8, 2014
vgmstream cannot decode .hwas files correctly.

This file is from the Nintendo DS game Guitar Hero On Tour - Decades. foobar2000 with vgmstream only decodes the first half of the song, and there are glitches throughout.

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