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by TheMygoshi at 9:01 PM EDT on April 10, 2015
It's not a surprise. You linked a HP 2 link with SOUND.BIG. Why?? WHY?
by at 11:46 PM EDT on April 10, 2015
by Franpa at 5:15 AM EDT on April 20, 2015
Any updates since October 2014? I've got a bunch of MCA files that don't work...

edited 10:26 AM EDT April 20, 2015
by mr_kaja at 5:19 AM EDT on April 23, 2015
In the function init_vgmstream_3ds_idsp in ngc_dsp_std.c, why is this line:
if (channel_count != 2) goto fail;

Seems a bit strange to me since the rest of the function properly handles other channel counts.
I think those unplayable mono idsp files in ssb3ds would play just fine if this line was removed or changed.

And 1 more thing:
Does anybody have a clue what 'ca' in dsp_header is used for?

edited 11:14 AM EDT April 23, 2015
by manakoAT at 10:40 AM EDT on April 29, 2015
ngc_dsp_std.c, the "std" means standard... standard dsp is only one channel, same goes for 3ds_idsp i think!
by hcs at 6:28 AM EDT on May 2, 2015
mana, that file is for the meta readers that use the standard DSP header. Several formats that use a pair of such headers for stereo are in the same file.

As for why idsp only does stereo, I'm pretty sure it's just that that was all I had on hand at the time.

ca is the "current address", dsp headers are actually a snapshot of the current decoder state, which is sent to the dsp as a chunk and updated. For a file that hasn't started playing yet all the "current" stuff should be the initial value.

edited 11:59 AM EDT May 2, 2015
by mr_kaja at 10:00 AM EDT on May 3, 2015
Ok, thanks!
(Why do they keep doing that? Such a waste of space. :P)
by Franpa at 5:58 AM EDT on June 11, 2015
Okay I didn't realize there were multiple versions of the MCA file format, the files I have that don't work correctly are those from Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. Someone else has made a thread specifically for that game now though, so maybe best to discuss this there.

edited 11:08 AM EDT June 11, 2015
by wiibomb at 10:42 AM EDT on July 8, 2015
finally I can post!!

anyway, can someone tell me where is that latest version of VGMStream? I cannot find it anywhere and the only one I'm seeing is the one from oct 2014..

I see someone finally opened a MCA file and I need to open those, too
by Mouser X at 12:50 PM EDT on July 8, 2015
The one from Oct. 2014 is the most recent official version. There's a couple other modifications out there that others have made (one adds AT3 support, the other fixes the pcm16 files), but there changes haven't (yet) been added to the official VGMstream build. Hopefully the changes made will be added (pcm16, I'd say, is pretty likely. It's a very recent fix though, so it hasn't had a chance to get added yet) eventually. As it stands though, the Oct. 2014 release is the most recent version of the official source. Mouser X over and out.

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