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by wiibomb at 12:53 PM EDT on July 8, 2015
thanks a lot for your reply, this has been pretty confusing for me since I see some people have managed to open these darn MCA files, but the Oct release doesn't support them and I need to open them too..

may be you you know where I can find that mod that open the MCA files?

edited 6:13 PM EDT July 8, 2015
by wiibomb at 5:06 PM EDT on July 8, 2015
ok, I found that pcm16fix and all its needed components and it works for decrypting the MCA files.. well, more or less, it has a lot of noise, but that's for the other thread.

right now I would like to know if there is a way to convert the wav files back to the .MCA files with this program, or if there is another program to make the encoding.

as always, thanks a lot, now I can at least know which file is which
by hcs at 11:29 AM EDT on July 9, 2015
I've been thinking about this for a while, two things I don't think I can reliably keep up with anymore:

1. Windows builds

2. backports from kode54's repo

I don't know how the other authors feel, but I think it is time to say that vgmstream development is over on the sourceforge side of things. And as I don't intend to try and keep up with kode54 (he is pretty active with taking pull requests), I don't think I'll be setting up another official vgmstream repo over on github.

So if you want the latest, kode54's foobar2000 component is probably the best place to look, though I don't think it has been built with the latest stuff from soneek just yet?
by wiibomb at 12:07 PM EDT on July 9, 2015

that's right, I tried foobar2000 component but it hasn't been updated since some months ago, and pcm16fix has done some work over that time, like for example the MCA decrypting, although not complete (only type 3 is decrypting well), that is the latest work done

I was wondering just how I would make the executables for all the kode54's files since much people would be left behind because of that
by kode54 at 9:28 PM EDT on August 5, 2015
I've moved to gitlab on my own server:

And I've also updated the xmplay plugin to working order:
by soneek at 7:48 AM EDT on August 6, 2015
I signed up through Gitlab on Kode's server. Are you dropping the github repo later?
by kode54 at 12:54 PM EDT on August 6, 2015
I haven't decided whether I'll drop them, I probably should at least put up notices there. I don't really know what to do about all the extraneous repositories on Github and Bitbucket.
by JFD62780 at 10:29 PM EDT on August 6, 2015
Yo, Kode:

Congrats on getting the XMPlay plugin working, but where's the Configuration?

EDIT: Correction: XMPlay may load, but upon trying to play a file, I got this:

The "WavPack (rev.4)" plugin crashed while attempting to verify the following file:
(filepath and name redacted, but it was a .VGM file)

The crash will now be passed on to Windows.

I don't know... If only this forum accepted picture attachments...

Everything otherwise works fine with the final Winamp release tho, so there is that.

edited 3:53 AM EDT August 7, 2015
by kode54 at 3:15 PM EDT on August 7, 2015
xmp-vgmstream does not handle .vgm files, you want some GME based plugin instead.
by Kurausukun at 6:25 PM EDT on August 8, 2015
kode54: I know this is somewhat off-topic, but I don't really know where else you're active. Could I make a sort-of feature request for foo_gep? I made it under issues on your GitHub repo here, but I don't assume you check that very frequently, so I'm just posting the link here instead. Thanks.

edited 11:35 PM EDT August 8, 2015

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