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by kode54 at 5:37 PM EST on November 14, 2015
What's the status on Smash Bros. for 3DS? Specifically the StreetSmash files? I have a report that some of the files from the rip don't play, and I don't think it's anything I've done to the library.
by MurraySkull at 1:47 AM EST on November 15, 2015
Tried them, they indeed don't play. This includes StreetSmash and the Kirby's Dream Land tracks.
by kode54 at 11:25 PM EST on November 18, 2015
Thanks, I figured as much. I don't think it's a bug with any changes I've made, either. Chalk it up to different format issue. Or variation unsupported.
by AnonRunzes at 7:40 PM EST on November 28, 2015
So, I attempted to play an .at3(PS3) file that had a different structure from the .at3(PSP) file at foobar2000.

While the PSP .at3 files I tested had no problems, with the PS3 .at3(again, different structure from the PSP .at3 file) it doesn't even play at all. Seems like it has multiple channels or something... If anyone is able to figure the puzzle for this problem I'll be very grateful.

edited 7:43 PM EST November 28, 2015
by richardpl at 8:15 AM EST on November 29, 2015
by AnonRunzes at 11:48 AM EST on November 29, 2015
This is the PSP .at3 file.
This is the PS3 .at3 file.

These are all the samples I can get.

Ah great, here goes someone asking for a sample and then disappearing afterwards... Typical.

edited 10:32 AM EST November 30, 2015
by richardpl at 6:33 AM EST on December 1, 2015
It just have extra bytes before RIFF, just remove them.
by AnonRunzes at 9:59 PM EST on December 1, 2015
@richardpl To remove the PS3 AT3 bytes or... yeah, I'll try either way.

EDIT: I've got it! To remove the extra bytes before "RIFF", first I had to copy and paste the file as a "backup" file, then I proceeded to edit the original file using an hex editor.

Now it works! Better tell this method to other communities.

edited 9:56 PM EST December 2, 2015
by einstein95 at 10:43 PM EST on December 4, 2015
From Mighty Switch Force: Hyper Drive Edition, but the format can also be seen in other 3DS and possibly Wii U titles. Ask if you want more samples.

edited 10:44 PM EST December 4, 2015
by AceK at 6:28 AM EST on December 21, 2015
@hcs I was wondering if there are any plans/possibilities of having 5.1 surround sound channel conversion support for VGMStream (mainly for .logg format). Vorbis decoder for Winamp has an option for this via input processing ("remap 6 channels" plays it perfectly on my end).

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