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by robotortoise at 6:33 PM EST on December 21, 2015
You can already do that by converting the tracks to .wav.

You have to remap them manually in Audacity.

Are you asking to remap them automatically?
by AceK at 9:22 PM EST on December 21, 2015
"Are you asking to remap them automatically?"

Yes. I'm requesting an option for vgmstream to allow the option of remapping the channels (which in_vorbis.dll does allow it in Winamp plug-in config) for .logg format streams that contain 6 channels.

edited 9:24 PM EST December 21, 2015
by Nisto at 1:57 PM EST on December 28, 2015
There is an odd issue(?) with headerless XA files. I know they are probably generally ill-advised, but I have kind of been under the impression that vgmstream in recent years added support for headerless XA, because most of the time they've played fine, but now I see why sometimes they haven't.

From a clean start of foobar2000, if I play a headerless XA file, it will play back distorted. However, if I first play an XA file with a RIFF header, the headerless file will play back fine afterwards.

If this is some kind of hack rather than a bug in supporting headerless XA files, I'd rather the hack was dropped honestly. I kinda killed my ears a little a few minutes ago -- and I have a history of ear infection. :(

edited 2:30 PM EST December 28, 2015
by Nisto at 8:00 PM EST on January 6, 2016
Also, vgmstream has problems decoding 4 MIB files from Devil May Cry 2: BGM-06,08,29&31. They do play fine if GENH'd with 2 channels @ 44100Hz and an interleave value of 0x4000 though.
by AnonRunzes at 8:39 PM EST on January 6, 2016
@Nisto - I have the same problem, this time with two individual tracks from two separate games.
vgmstream error with Square Enix proprietary BCSTM? by icecream at 11:14 PM EST on January 7, 2016
Posting because I've tried looking for a solution for this and haven't found one. Was documented once on GBATemp without a solution, just an order to go here. Which is what I'm doing.

Does Square Enix use some special type of BCSTM that vgmstream cannot decode? Every time I try to decrypt a BCSTM from Dream Drop Distance or Bravely Default (and I'm assuming Bravely Second), it yields a "cannot open/ read file" error or something like that. Examining the BCSTMs themselves in a hex editor shows that they lack the header it seems.

However I am sure that people have decrypted them before so how can I do it?

edited 11:14 PM EST January 7, 2016
by icecream at 3:56 PM EST on January 11, 2016
Huh, Bravely Second's BCSTMs work perfectly fine in vgmstream. Default's BCSTMs though still bug out.....
by AceK at 9:22 PM EDT on March 13, 2016
I want to do another release for converted HCA stream to .OGG/.LOGG... the only problem is vgmstream doesn't allow remapping to play 5.1 surround sound perfectly.

So, just want to know what's the preferred conversion of .HCA to another, loopable, 5.1 sound file? If there is not any way atm, then is there any reason why .logg in vgm_stream does not support linking settings with in_vorbis? in_vorbis is able to set the option to properly remap in winamp.

Otherwise, it just adds more unnecessary file content that could normally be handled in it's original file. By this, I mean that there would be two specific folders, one for 5.1 for those that really want the channel numbers unaltered (which would actually play fine if you rename .logg to .ogg and modify in_vorbis settings to remap), and then another folder for stereo conversions.

edited 9:25 PM EDT March 13, 2016
by DrO at 11:09 AM EDT on March 14, 2016
if logg is just ogg (no funny headers, etc) then there's nothing to stop leveraging the native Winamp plug-in to do the logg playback so you can use it's settings, etc (and save having to ship an ogg dll with vgmstream for the Winamp plug-in if that's the only thing it's being used for).

as it's been ages since i've even looked at the vgmstream code (not sure where the 'current' version is meant to be obtained from anymore either) so it might be that for the Winamp plug-in, trying to leverage the native Winamp plug-ins just isn't worth the hassle, but it's a possibility to achieve what you're wanting.
by hcs at 6:27 PM EDT on March 14, 2016
vgmstream still needs to have fairly low-level access to the Ogg Vorbis libraries as there are a few formats supported that are obfuscated in various ways.

Also, I don't know if it would be possible to do proper lapping for the loop in in_vorbis. Looping is the main reason why there is support for Vorbis in vgmstream at all. That's why the recent FF VII PC port used it!

In any case, you can't consider the Winamp plugin to be properly maintained anymore.

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