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by JFD62780 at 2:09 AM EDT on April 29, 2016

Seriously, HCS, this is a build worthy of the VGMStream section in your own domain!

I'm listening to a custom-made ADX with the build as I type! :D


edited 2:10 AM EDT April 29, 2016
by hcs at 9:38 PM EDT on April 30, 2016
I dunno DrO, I'm still seeing this with the latest virus definitions (created 4/30/2016 3:24 PM 1.219.465.0).

Quarantine report

Name: winamp5666_lite_en-us_redux.exe
Size: 3482886 bytes (3 MB)
SHA256: 0B0C00CD41F66C3560A400A42D990419DF952CA0E77BE096235313222FEF3636
by DrO at 12:49 PM EDT on May 1, 2016
the raw size and sha256 are same for my copies. from a quick look at anything to do with Win32/Fethar.B!cl and it seems like there's been a lot of false positives relating to that over the last 2 months or so.

all I can really do is just ensure i've got the correct file size and sha noted on the download page. as virsutotal is still giving a clean bill of health.

the only other thing is that I re-build the installers with the latest version of NSIS (which I should probably do anyway to avoid a potential dll loading issue with it) and see if that makes any difference.

file size and sha256 are now noted on the page.

edited 1:08 PM EDT May 1, 2016
by kode54 at 1:35 AM EDT on May 3, 2016
Dear athe, people are still using Winamp. Please fix this immediately.
by AnonRunzes at 4:39 PM EDT on May 3, 2016
Oh gosh, what a amazing job you guys have made!

Seriously, what the hell is this? Why are you writing components for a program that is Winamp that will later on be considered as a dangerous entity as any anti-virus program detects it? I don't even use Winamp since it's an outdated program anyway.

I agree with kode54. A solution is waiting to be solved, and it's best to examine deeper into the problem until it runs rampant.
by DrO at 5:22 PM EDT on May 3, 2016
do we really have to get into what / why / how people decide to use something and how it does / doesn't fit in with their own views ?

if someone wants to use winamp or foobar2000 (which for the record I use both) or itunes or xmplay or vlc or whatever else then it's their choice and that should be that.

i get that people think winamp is old / out-dated / should have been killed off years ago (which Radionomy's actions is having a great way of doing that) / is full of crap (which could always be un-checked but that was the sad nature of how to pay the bills) / it's not as good as player x, y and z, etc etc. but the same can be applied to a lot of things out there that others use.


for the MSE detection issue that hcs is having, I have been trying to look into it but with a lack of information on what it is (from MS) and a lack of it appearing on other setups that I've tried and gotten a few other people to try out, it's a bit of head scratcher (just like the issue the fb2k installer was having recently that I saw).

I've finally managed to reproduce what is being seen on a Windows 10 setup (latest preview build at time of this update) and am trying to get it submitted for review (as it's also showing for other mirror copies of the lite redux installer - not for full / international which is weird as they are more involved in the install process than the lite one).

edited 7:01 PM EDT May 3, 2016

edited 7:03 PM EDT May 3, 2016
by DrO at 5:24 PM EDT on May 3, 2016
and yes i'm probably wasting my time doing anything with winamp but whilst I still want to use it and I know that others do, then cut us a bit of a slack and let us use what we want to ok?

and if that means me screwing around and making a build of vgmstream that better integrates with winamp then that's my decision (which is what i'm doing anyway).
by CyberBotX at 9:08 AM EDT on May 4, 2016
I'd just like to say that I still use Winamp myself, partially due to Nostalgia, partially due to a few plugins that I wrote myself.

I also have been sitting on some edits to the Winamp version of vgmstream that I made, some of which do actually add support for things in Winamp like the format converter and ReplayGain. But some of said changes are also pretty hackish. I had added some code to make it read a file called albumgain.txt (if it exists) to get the album gain/peak of a file (but have nothing for the track gain/peak). I also added some code to use a file called album.txt (if it exists) as the name of the album or use the folder name otherwise.

I could look into getting said modifications into the public eye so someone could look at them. But yeah, as I said, some of it is pretty hackish.
by Hotcakes at 10:42 PM EDT on May 6, 2016
It's weird that people would come to a forum for a Winamp plugin to bitch about people using Winamp.

Just saying.
vgmstream Winamp by Alpha23 at 12:50 PM EDT on May 9, 2016
Hi! I just wanted to mention that the in_vgmstream.dll doesn't work with Winamp 5.666 (NOT LOADED)

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