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by Mouser X at 3:18 AM EDT on May 14, 2016
Apparently, I *did* install in_pxtone to play Cave Story's music (back in 2011). However, it came as part of a package that allowed Winamp to play the music from multiple games, including Cave Story. I just didn't realize it was a collection of plugins, and thus figured that in_pxtone was the one doing the work. Considering I have input plugins dating back to 1999 in my Winamp plugin directory, it's no surprise that I got it mixed up (though it *is* a surprise Winamp still runs!).

So, no, in_pxtone doesn't play Cave Story's music. But that is why it got installed for Winamp on my PC. Therefore, back to DrO's non-recognition of the plugin, my answer is valid, in that it was installed to play Cave Story's music, but it's not *actually* the plugin that is playing Cave Story's music (that would be "in_org.dll", and works just fine with VGMstrream). I did find that "Teleportower Plus" uses pxtone files though.

However, more importantly, this thread is for VGMstream, and why it may, or may not, work for some people, and some versions of Winamp. My unintentional derailment was a mere side-note that in_pxtone doesn't seem to play nice with VGMstream. I did find out that my version of in_pxtone is 0.4, and that there's a 1.0.1 available, so I'll have to try the new version, and see if it works alongside VGMstream any better than the old version.

Sorry for the confusion and subsequent off-topic discussion.

[EDIT] HCS posted while I was composing this reply. Obviously, I perpetuated a misunderstanding (as explained above). And the version he found is even more recent than the one I found, so I'll try that out as well. Thanks HCS! Mouser X over and out.

edited 3:30 AM EDT May 14, 2016
by DCX at 4:16 PM EDT on May 14, 2016
When I convert Tony Hawk PS2 games .genh files, the second channel is cut just 2/3 seconds at the end in the flac file.

Is it an error from vgmstream plugin?
by snakemeat at 9:37 PM EDT on May 14, 2016
Assuming it's MIB or something, sounds like an incomplete rip in the source files. Probably missing the last bytes for that channel. Common issue with extracting Sony ADPCM without a file table.

Which game is it?
by DCX at 9:43 AM EDT on May 20, 2016
All Tony Hawk's episodes on PS2, thanks for the info.
Well i converted the whole MUSIC.WAD to get no errors of channels and split everything by myself.

I'm curious to know how to get that PS2 table file. Can you tell me more? Thanks!

Some errors I notified :
- Crazy Taxi 2 ADX (Dreamcast), music can't get longer than 2:10 (tested with a redump rip).
- Crazy taxi 3 ADX (Xbox), same kind of problem.
(on foobar2000)

edited 10:14 AM EDT May 20, 2016

edited 10:15 AM EDT May 20, 2016
by DCX at 9:48 AM EDT on May 20, 2016
Some others errors :
- Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 WAD PS2, little noise explosion in Redman track
- Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 ADX PS2, little noise explosion sometimes with the guitars
- Tony Hawk's Underground 2 WAD (Xbox), around 9 tracks in the mix plays perfeclty and then it's about noise explosion for the others tracks

Hope the developpers can take a look at fixing this.
by DrO at 6:56 PM EDT on June 16, 2016
hcs: it looks like MS have finally (after a month and a half) updated their definitions to not flag the lite installer. if you could double-check with the latest definitions then that'd be appreciated.
by hcs at 4:08 AM EDT on July 1, 2016
Yep, scanning cleanly now (definitions from 7/1/2016 12:32 AM Eastern), thanks!

And a nice update: kode54 recently incorporated HCA support in vgmstream, I have a new Winamp build up with this on the vgmstream page.
by AceK at 4:51 AM EDT on July 3, 2016

in_vgmstream.dll from your latest version "r1050-50-gd22a43b (2016-07-01)" doesn't seem to load up correctly for me using "Winamp v5.666 Build 3516 (x86) - Dec 12 2013"
by hcs at 1:56 PM EDT on July 3, 2016
Did you install all the included external DLLs (those besides in_vgmstream.dll) in the main dir with winamp.exe?

(this should be in the readme but I didn't include it in the current zip)

edited 6:50 PM EDT July 3, 2016
by AceK at 4:37 AM EDT on July 4, 2016
These files?


Then yes. What's weird is that "vgmstream-r1050-36-gfa6c986-test" and "vgmstream-r1050-50-gd22a43b-test" doesn't work correctly for me... but the "vgmstream-r1040-test" build works perfectly on my end. I'm using Windows 8.1.

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