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by hcs at 6:39 AM EDT on July 4, 2016
I mean all of those included in the r1050-50-gd22a43b zip:

Delete the old ones and install these new ones.
by Franpa at 7:17 AM EDT on July 5, 2016
Your latest Winamp compile seems to work fine HCS. Windows 10 x64.

edited 7:17 AM EDT July 5, 2016
by AceK at 7:20 PM EDT on July 5, 2016
Works for me now. Thanks @hcs !
by RetroFanatic at 10:23 PM EDT on July 6, 2016
vgmstream won't play XMA files? Trying to rip some Tales of Vesperia music. Are those 6ch? Using the r1040 version atm.

Importing raw data into Audacity just gets me a bunch of noise.

Edit: Oh yeah. Using the winamp plugin too.

edited 10:24 PM EDT July 6, 2016
by hcs at 1:09 AM EDT on July 7, 2016
Yeah, no XMA support.
by Knurek at 6:57 AM EDT on July 7, 2016
@hcs: yet? ;)
by Sir-Sabin at 3:38 PM EDT on July 7, 2016
Are you going add it anytime soon?
by hcs at 8:42 PM EDT on July 7, 2016
No, not me, anyway.
by AnonRunzes at 10:10 PM EDT on July 10, 2016
Is there any way to play these .mib/.mih files? Here are the samples, by the way.
by Kirishima at 3:43 AM EDT on July 11, 2016

Genh? Tried Sony adpcm with 22050hz, 2 channels interleaved at 0xc000. The MIH file is empty(nothing but zeros).

edited 3:46 AM EDT July 11, 2016

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