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by AnonRunzes at 6:38 PM EDT on October 27, 2016
And what about the samples I posted? You're missing someth- *suddenly realizes the links I posted are dead* Whoops!
by Feldspar at 11:35 PM EDT on October 30, 2016
Do you plan to support the AT9 file?
by kode54 at 12:06 AM EDT on November 1, 2016
Not unless someone makes an open source, clean room reverse engineering of the decoder. I will not support or require users to "Go Google up this SDK license violation of a file". The day I do that is the day I find hosting that is 100% invulnerable to DMCA takedown notices.

Oh, right, and the stolen library solution is only applicable to 32 bit Windows, and I support more than just that.

edited 12:07 AM EDT November 1, 2016
by Kurausukun at 4:37 AM EDT on November 2, 2016
The latest update to the foobar plugin has stopped giving me loop points for nus3banks. I'm not sure if this is intentional or not, given that Moosehunter and I found out vgmstream was calculating the loop end wrong for idsps (and thus also nus3banks) recently.
by kode54 at 7:09 PM EDT on November 2, 2016
Nothing has been changed with regard to that format. Verify the change with a test.exe built with the same library code.
by Kurausukun at 12:47 AM EDT on November 3, 2016
My bad, sorry. I made a dumb oversight.
by bnnm at 2:24 PM EST on November 8, 2016
@Nisto - I was able to build the foobar plugin, maybe I could put together some notes.
But kode54 already updated it on his site anyway, plays SVAGs now.

Many song loops just repeat the whole song, but I think that's the correct behavior, you should recheck though.
by Nisto at 4:37 PM EST on November 8, 2016
Yep, I noticed the update like a week ago. Thanks again!
by bnnm at 2:34 PM EST on November 19, 2016
I was thinking of uploading to the repo my precompiled (trimmed) FFMpeg .DLLs/includes so vgmstream can be compiled to use a few extra formats, but the licensing stuff is making my head spin.
You can even compile it in LGPL or GLP2/3. :S

Anybody knows if it's allowed and stuff?

(does vgmstream even have a license?)
by hcs at 6:40 PM EST on November 19, 2016
The core of vgmstream has an ISC license. The external libraries for playing MPEG, Ogg Vorbis, G.722.1, G.719, AT3+ (and maybe others in kode54's builds?) each have their own license. When I distribute it I have these all in a "licenses" subdirectory in the zip.

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