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by DrO at 10:21 PM EST on November 21, 2016
There's a range of licenses in effect with the dependent dlls that vgmstream tries to use but they don't appear to prevent them being used like they are (at least not from when I looked at them a few months back).

However it's good to know for certain now what the vgmstream core is actually licensed under (might be handy to have it mentioned on

I had assumed it was something like that though I still need to sort out providing my minor Winamp related changes (which is built against the latest commits from kode54) from the version of in_vgmstream.dll I've built as part of my WACUP project. Dunno if any of those changes will be helpful or not once I've sorted them out but it seems only right I make them available.

by hcs at 9:58 PM EST on November 22, 2016
The COPYING file has always been included with the binary and the source, as far as I can remember.
by Knurek at 7:13 PM EST on November 23, 2016
Has anyone had any luck with those HCA files with encrypted (xored) headers?
There has to be something going on with them, VGMStream plays them as static, but changing the headers to match other HCA files results in lack of playback.

I've seen them used a lot in PSP and Vita games, usually inside UNION.CPK.

edited 7:14 PM EST November 23, 2016
by kode54 at 8:57 PM EST on November 23, 2016
They're encrypted. VGMStream only supports the PSO2 encrypted files, as it has that game's key hard coded. If you want them to play, you'll have to decrypt them.

You'll note that changing just the headers breaks playback. That is because every packet is checksum protected. The encrypted data packets are protected in their encrypted form.

You'll need a decrypter, there's one posted to this forum, on Github, that will, when given a correct encryption key, produce unencrypted files with correct checksums.

I doubt there will ever be any sign of a giant encryption key list built into the player like there is with ADX. Maybe in the filenames of each track, but not through sheer brute force.
by Knurek at 11:33 AM EST on November 24, 2016
Ah, thanks, that clears things up - I've been out of the loop for the past few years.

I managed to find decryption codes for one game, but the devs unfortunately were not lazy here, and haven't reused them between games.

I looked at a 2ch forum post by the guy who posted the code and he mentions going through the PSP exe with a debugger looking for the file load function and getting they key from registers. A bit beyond my skillset, so I will just put the encrypted sets on the archive, alongside with a note mentioning they have no known key and a decrypted PSP executable.
by bnnm at 6:27 PM EST on November 24, 2016
I was thinking about adding a way to read encryption keys from an external file (say "key.bin" or "songname.key"), so you don't have to recompile for new ADX/SCD/HCA/etc keys all the time.
That wouldn't help getting them keys though.

Since I wasn't so sure about FFMpeg I decided to create a separate git with the includes and DLLs.
I use that to build my tests/winamps but perhaps others may use it.
Maybe it could be integrated in the main repo later.
by Nisto at 5:47 PM EST on November 25, 2016
Could I pester you guys with another (couple) format(s)? It's practically just one, really.

Rakugaki Oukoku 2 AKA Graffiti Kingdom (PS2) has two proprietary PSX ADPCM containers with extensions .VDM and .VDS. The headers are identical apart from the IDs.

.VDM files are mono and has magic number 0x56444D20
.VDS files are stereo and has magic number 0x56445320

The structure looks like this:
00 id (4 bytes)
04 size (4 bytes)
08 not sure (4 bytes)
0C sample rate (4 bytes)
10 channel count (4 bytes)
14 interleave size (4 bytes)
18 loop start (4 bytes)
1C loop end (4 bytes)
20 stereo flag (1 byte)
21 volume? (1 byte)
22 pan? (1 byte)
23 ? (1 byte)

Here are some (all) files for testing:

by AnonRunzes at 11:11 AM EST on December 3, 2016
Can anyone here check these files?



These ADX files has an incorrect duration.
by bnnm at 1:21 PM EST on December 3, 2016
@AnonRunzes - They play fine for me, in 6ch.

@Nisto - Adding new formats it's a bit of a pain so you could use GENH for now... I'm considering some easier way to do it though.
by Nisto at 1:56 PM EST on December 3, 2016
Yep, I know bnnm. Was just hoping to get native support added. It's not urgent or anything, but the files are up on Josh W's servers now. It's mostly for the sake of other people being able to actually play them.

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