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by vajuvaju at 1:03 PM EST on December 7, 2016
@marcusss @Bonboon228

Don't use the link from the readme. Use the link in the foobar components page.

I copied the DLLs in the same folder as the vgmstream component in my foobar folder and it worked.
by marcusss at 1:46 PM EST on December 7, 2016
I actually used the link from the actual commit page which said to use such link. I would have thought that page would have the latest .

..But yeah I just used the link you mentioned and now it works again. What differences does this version have that requires an updated library??

Anyway progress in VGMStream is always welcomed :) :-)

edited 1:47 PM EST December 7, 2016
Nothing worked? by Bonboon228 at 2:45 PM EST on December 7, 2016
Nope, still errors out for me.

Dll files in same folder as the vgmstream component.

Same error message.

Failed to load DLL: foo_input_vgmstream.dll
Reason: The specified procedure could not be found.

Help please...

Edit: Now that I look at It, it may be the fact that I am using XP and the component simply is not compatible with it. =(

edited 2:53 PM EST December 7, 2016
by bnnm at 5:51 AM EST on December 8, 2016
Bonboon228, can you try downloading the .DLLs here:

Then overwrite those in the foobar plugin folder.
Should be in "C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\foobar2000\user-components\foo_input_vgmstream" (Application Data could be hidden)

Original DLLs don't have XP support but maybe those above do.

Some formats will still crash foobar but we are investigating.

edited 5:52 AM EST December 8, 2016
You gotta be kidding me... by Bonboon228 at 8:27 AM EST on December 8, 2016
Now it's throwing up THIS error...

Failed to load DLL: foo_input_vgmstream.dll
Reason: Not a valid Win32 application.

Imma just stick with an previous version of vgmstream...
by kode54 at 7:50 PM EST on December 8, 2016
Sheesh. Does anyone know of any FFmpeg binaries that are XP compatible for all you backwards yahoos that didn't update to Windows 7 10 years ago? Don't give me that "it works perfectly for me" crapola, because clearly this software is not working for you. Morons.

I try to provide XP compatible components, but I can't be expected to build my own XP compatible FFmpeg as well.
by AnonRunzes at 8:33 PM EST on December 8, 2016
@kode54 - That's funny, because when I get foobar2000 to play an normal ATRAC3(not ATRAC3+ as vgmstream previously supported), it just crashed even with the .dll files included. And I'm using Windows 10!
by marcusss at 12:05 AM EST on December 9, 2016
I have been using Win 7 x64 for like forever and only this update I had issues but vajuvaju pointing me to the right link got it working

edited 12:07 AM EST December 9, 2016
by Kurausukun at 11:39 AM EST on December 9, 2016
Just updated my foobar vgmstream component, and now I get the following error:

Failed to load DLL: foo_input_vgmstream.dll
Reason: This component is missing a required dependency, or was made for different version of foobar2000.

I'm on foobar 1.3.13, and I've never needed any other dependencies. Is this a vgmstream bug, or did I goof?

EDIT: Never mind, just checked the components page to find out I DO need some other .dlls. Problem solved.

edited 11:42 AM EST December 9, 2016
by kode54 at 5:51 PM EST on December 9, 2016
Okay, try the latest build. Crashes should be fixed, it was due to a linking problem.

Dependency pack is no longer necessary for foobar2000 package, once again, thanks to some custom building to eliminate all the unneeded parts of FFmpeg.

Check out the ffmpeg_options.txt in the ext_libs directory on the repository, and feel free to suggest any codecs or parsers that should be enabled that aren't already.

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