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by AnonRunzes at 6:41 PM EST on December 9, 2016
Thanks for the latest build, mate. It actually worked this time when it wasn't about struggling to get XMA files to play.

Seriously, is it just me or am I the only one that can't get the .xma files to play on foobar2000 even if I renamed them to .vgms/.vgmstream/.xma.vgms/.xma.vgmstream?

edited 6:46 PM EST December 9, 2016
by bnnm at 7:46 PM EST on December 9, 2016
Nobody can, until the format is actually implemented (if you mean XWB).

edited 7:50 PM EST December 9, 2016
Drama by Bonboon228 at 8:00 PM EST on December 9, 2016
Sorry 'bout all the drama...I did not, (And still don't), have a computer strong enough to run a recent windows os. XP was my only choice, and to make matters worse, the hard drive recently failed on me, so all I have is linux mint...but, such is life.
by Kurausukun at 3:21 AM EST on December 10, 2016
Wait, I'm confused. Is XMA supported in vgmstream somehow now? I saw the last few posts talking about it, but I just tried playing an XMA from Sonic 06 and it didn't recognize it, so I guess not?
by kode54 at 4:13 PM EST on December 10, 2016
XMA must be added partially, since FFmpeg doesn't recognize the loop points. For now, you can hexedit them to find the loop points, and rename them to have a .vgms or .vgmstream extension, but they won't loop.
by AnonRunzes at 6:05 PM EST on December 12, 2016
So, the .ADP file used in Omikron The Nomad Soul isn't supported in vgmstream. In any case, here's the sample:

And yes, I'm aware there is a tool floating around somewhere that can handle these .ADP files. But it doesn't hurt to have this file supported by vgmstream, does it now? I even have the source code if anyone's interested.

Oh, and here's a few hints:
.ADP files used in Omikron The Nomad Soul were encoded with 2 channels and a sample rate of 22050. It uses some kind of ADPCM. It has this header:
0x00-0x03 - size of the file
0x04 - channel count (the value is either 0 or 1; add it by 1)
0x10 - offset of the file

edited 6:44 PM EST December 12, 2016
by bnnm at 3:44 PM EST on December 18, 2016
Latest vgmstream changes:
- added proper/looped .XMA (Xbox360 games)
- fixed Capcom 3DS .MCA v5 (Ace Attourney 6, Monster Hunter 4U)
- fixed Guerrilla .MSS length (Killzone)
- added 3DS .BCWAV dual stereo (Lego games)
- added .hcakey (binary in HCA Decoder format)
- added .pos for .vgmstream (hack for unsupported FFmpeg formats but you can do stuff like song.mp3.vgmstream.pos)

Some XMA notes:
- no 6ch for now (RE6, MvC3, Ace Combat 6, Beatiful Katamari, etc)
- variations later (Namco .xma, Soul Calibur II HD .past, etc)
- many joshw rips are bad (fake XMA1 converted from XMA2 which may play wrong, truncated, poorly extracted from containers with no loop points, etc)
I can check non-working XMA but *please* make sure to post original containers.
by Knurek at 4:28 PM EST on December 18, 2016
Do we have a build(bot) for the latest changes?

As I haven't ripped anything XMA personally, I can't really say what was done with them, but I will gladly accept and upload any fixes.
by AnonRunzes at 6:55 PM EST on December 18, 2016
Is it just me or on foobar2000, the .mss duration issue is the same? I did update vgmstream to the latest version(r1050-147-gad85fc8), so I don't know what's happening if it's just my player acting strange.
by Kurausukun at 8:38 PM EST on December 18, 2016
Just tested with a Sonic 06 XMA, and it works perfectly. Plays at the correct speed, loops correctly, everything. Great work.

One tiny thing I noticed--compared to the output of towav.exe, vgmstream gives me a file with 576 extra samples of silence at the beginning of the track. This also affects the loop points, which are obviously not compensated. The question is, which is right--vgmstream or towav?

I just looked through the files, and going by the metadata, vgmstream/ffmpeg is correct, and it was towav.exe that was wrong all along. Seems strange that nobody said anything until now, but alright.

edited 9:00 PM EST December 18, 2016

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