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by kode54 at 9:18 PM EST on December 18, 2016
What MSS duration issue? Can you boil it down to some actual code?
by AnonRunzes at 9:25 PM EST on December 18, 2016
@kode54 - "What MSS duration issue?"
In foobar2000, intro25k.mss still has this 2:39 duration even after the new version of vgmstream despite these fixes. Which means vgmstream still plays half of the entire audio sample(this issue seems to occur on foobar2000, so maybe it's just my player).

"Can you boil it down to some actual code?"
And I thought that just by reproducing the issue by playing these .mss files was enough.

edited 9:30 PM EST December 18, 2016
by kode54 at 9:33 PM EST on December 18, 2016
The only reference I can find to a "intro25k.mss" is your post right here on this page.
by AnonRunzes at 9:54 PM EST on December 18, 2016
@kode54 - There's a post I made right on that "beta thread" in which I posted two .rar files containing both the original .mss files and .genh files. Check that out.

edited 9:54 PM EST December 18, 2016
by kode54 at 11:02 PM EST on December 18, 2016
Sorry, I wasn't paying enough attention. The issue should be fixed now.
by AnonRunzes at 12:23 PM EST on December 19, 2016

Anyway, here's an .ss2 file from a demuxed PSS that came from the Killzone game.
It doesn't play well on vgmstream.

EDIT: Look, I don't want to be a bother(presumably due to Nisto's advice about these MGS2 audio files) but, is there support for these files yet(aside from GENH)?

I choose .sdx_adpcm as the arbitrary format because ... well, it's sometimes the only way to identify files like these. Anyway, these files came from the following games:
Metal Gear Solid 2 (PS2 - original version) - first two files
Metal Gear Solid 2 (PS2, XBOX - Substance version) - last two files

These files also have different codecs too(indicated by the 0xa offset in each file), hence why I uploaded this .rar file in the first place.

edited 2:53 PM EST December 19, 2016
by bnnm at 6:34 AM EST on December 26, 2016
Could anybody with a fast PC test these XMA in foobar?
When looping I get a second of pause/silence in foobar in the first example, but not in winamp.
XMA looping can be slow, but not all XMA do this for me (maybe bitrate related).

@AnonRunzes - badly demuxed multi-stream ss2, probably. sdx_adpcm no point (no proper header).
Also in general post not one but several samples, non-working and working. Otherwise it's a pain to figure out.

@Kurausukun - good thing you brought this up.
Since towav is (AFAIK) a hacked MS decoder probably it's more accurate.
I tested a bit it does seem like you need to substract 576 to loop correctly, rarely noticeable though (ex. Tales of Vesperia 201).
Apparently MDCT coders (like MP3/XMA/Atrac3) introduce a delay (part of 1 granule = 576 samples), makes sense.
Some XMA headers (not Sonic 06 or ToV) also have a "PlayBegin sample".
Knowing this I'll adjust looping and keep investigating.
by bnnm at 8:38 AM EST on December 27, 2016
Latests vgmstream changes
- Added HEVAG (.vag) [PSVita games], thanks daemon1
- Added "short VAG" SGXD type 5 [Afrika PS3]
- Added Killzone VAGp (.vag)
- Adjusted some VAGp [Ecco the Dolphin]
- Added namco XMA (.xma), Soul Calibur II HD XMA (.past) variations
- test.exe/winamp now use vgmstream's FFmpeg DLLs (delete older avcodec/avformat/avutil DLLs)
- (dev) Added a simple regression testing script for test.exe (also a build doc)
- Removed .vgms (not .vgmstream), as I feel one hack-extension is enough
by kode54 at 6:43 PM EST on December 29, 2016
It's not slow. It decodes at over 230x real time here. The problem is, the first file is emitting several seconds worth of silence before looping.
by bnnm at 8:00 PM EST on December 29, 2016
Well, test.exe gives correct decodes and clear2.xma is the same file but hexeditted to loop one second earlier.
I suspect samples_to_do isn't properly set and always uses max_buffer_samples (in decode_run).
Maybe from the last seek changes?

While testing I also noticed if you disable looping foobar hangs after seeking (maybe infinite while during decode_seek).
Also changing the options doesn't seem to work unless you restart?

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