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by plpl3000 at 8:59 PM EST on January 16, 2017
@bnnm thanks,but play dq files foobar crashes,Some scd files does not work.

by plpl3000 at 9:06 PM EST on January 16, 2017
wiiu Romance of the Three Kingdoms 12 dsp files


by Kurausukun at 5:44 AM EST on January 17, 2017
Alright, I guess I'll make a post about this since it doesn't seem anyone is going to do anything about it. Currently, vgmstream calculates the loop-end samples from nibbles incorrectly in idsps and nus3banks. Moosehunter and I noticed this a bit back while looking at some other stuff. The takeaway is that the loop-end sample count ends up being 1 sample too much, so in the case that the idsp was truncated to the loop point, vgmstream won't actually loop it because it thinks the loop-end sample count is greater than the total amount of samples. I'm not sure if it's necessary or not, but I'll post the helper function from Moosehunter's library here that converts nibbles to samples:

public const int SamplesPerFrame = 14;
public const int NibblesPerFrame = 16;

int frames = nibble / NibblesPerFrame;
int extraNibbles = nibble % NibblesPerFrame;
int samples = SamplesPerFrame * frames;

return samples + extraNibbles - (extraNibbles != 0 ? 2 : 0);

edited 5:46 AM EST January 17, 2017
by kode54 at 1:52 PM EST on January 17, 2017
There was also a lovely regression due to changes like:

case some_case:
-case some_other_case:
- return some_value;
case some_unrelated_case:
case another_unrelated_case:
return wrong_value_for_some_case;

Happened with the same commit to both Xbox formats and NGC AFC.
by hcs at 2:28 PM EST on January 17, 2017
vgmstream has a function, dsp_nibbles_to_samples, which you can get by including coding.h, that does the calculation Kurausukun mentions.
by bnnm at 3:42 PM EST on January 17, 2017
Sorry for the regressions.
I do use a regression testing script, but I don't have all major formats in my test library yet.

@Kurausukun - You'll have to be a bit more specific because there are several "IDSP" variations.

@plpl3000 - I'll investigate why crashes, but and are SFX packs, no support for those.
by Kurausukun at 5:48 PM EST on January 17, 2017
I'm not sure what you mean by IDSP variations; I was under the impression there was only one kind. I'm talking about the ones that Smash Wii U uses, if that helps. All I know is that loop start is at 0x50, loop end is at 0x54, and total length is at 0x54. If you need an example of what I'm talking about, I can make one real quick and upload it, but hopefully this clears it up.
by Infernus Animositas at 4:07 AM EST on January 19, 2017
I've found some HCA files that do not decode properly.

They're stored in CRIWARE's .aax containers which usually contain more than one track.

Splitting them at the HCA headers doesn't seem to help as playback produces this weird distortion effect.

As always, samples are provided.

AAX/HCA Samples

Interestingly enough, using one of the first decoders "HCA2WAV" will decode the file perfectly.

edited 4:08 AM EST January 19, 2017

edited 4:28 AM EST January 19, 2017
HCA revolution by Ultrafighter at 8:16 AM EST on January 21, 2017
Huge thanks to whoever finally implemented the format into VGMStream! Now nothing really stands in my way and I can check out RgG5 rip on much more pleasant terms and in more convenient way. Brr! I hate to recall how I decoded a portion of Yakuza 5 highly compressed ADX files then waited for an update of a tool (or another one) then... well you can already get an idea. I'm also so happy because of smaller yet still significant wonder: the day I looked for Ryu ga gotoku: Ishin PS3 rip was the same day I found it, he-he... Muchas gracias to whoever did it!
Cheers, best regards!
by bnnm at 1:09 PM EST on January 23, 2017
Latests vgmstream changes:
- Fixed some SCD [Dragon Quest X (WiiU)]
- Fixed Koei Tecmo's WiiBGM DSP [Romance of Three Kingdoms 12 (WiiU)]
- Added NPS XMA [Beutiful Katamari (X360)]
* (ffmpeg) 6ch support for MSF/ATRAC3 [TTT HD, Caladrius Blaze (PS3)]
* (ffmpeg) 6ch support for XMA [Marvel vs Capcom 3, Tekken 6 (X360)]
- (dev) updated Visual Studio XMPlay; CMD compiling notes


@Infernus Animositas - The distortion seems like a bug in HCA Decoder.

@Kurausukun - SSB WiiU from joshw loops for me, even at the end.
Ex. snd_bgm_A27_3DL_SMB_Theme.nus3bank
loop start: 0 samples (0.0000 seconds)
loop end: 5627076 samples (117.2332 seconds)
stream total samples: 5627076 (117.2332 seconds)

edited 1:11 PM EST January 23, 2017

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