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by Kurausukun at 1:19 PM EST on January 23, 2017
I haven't looked into the file itself, but it's possible that it actually loops at 562705. Or it's possible that something else is going on with the files they made. But I know for a fact that idsps that I make don't loop because the loop end is one sample ahead of the total samples, so vgmstream ignores it. I uploaded a file I made here, so maybe you can figure out what's going on with that. But I know it loops properly ingame and I know I fed it the proper loop points.
by plpl3000 at 4:03 AM EST on January 24, 2017
@bnnm Thanks a lot! good job!
Yet another awesome surprise! by Ultrafighter at 7:42 AM EST on January 24, 2017
Oh yeah, now Halo: Wars tracks are also easily listenable, hurray! It's not like I'm a big fan of XMPlay but are there updates for Winamp branch of this plugin in plans? Maybe someone is going to take a torch from HCS hands and become a new coder behind in_vgmstream?
PS. Offtopic - shouldn't most if not all BGMs from Halo: Spartan assault & strike for PC be in xWMA?
by plpl3000 at 8:29 AM EST on January 24, 2017
wiiu Ben 10: Galactic Racing 2 str files


wiiu Just Dance 2017 rak files


wiiu Just Dance 4 wav files


by bnnm at 1:33 PM EST on January 25, 2017
@Ultrafighter -

@Kurausukun - I checked your file and datasize=0x00727BE0 (7502816), loop-end=0x00727BE2 (7502818, *outside*), hence vgmstream ignores it.

I think the game just fixes loop-end = datasize when that happens.
Could you test if changing loop-end to something much bigger still loops?
I could fix vgmstream to do the same, but I don't think any real IDSPs would be like this.

The nibble-to-samples it's the same that what you posted btw.
by Kurausukun at 7:16 PM EST on January 25, 2017
You're right about that file, my bad. I don't know what happened that made it do that. But this time I have a file that I actually checked--the info at 0x44 and 0x54 are the exact same, yet the file does not loop. Here it is, and sorry for making this more complicated.
by bnnm at 4:44 PM EST on January 26, 2017
Ok, calculations and stuff look fine. The actual "problem" is that loop_end_samples are manually added +1.
This is on purpose (used in many other DSPs), maybe somebody could clarify why.

I'm guessing loop_end is the last nibble "not yet decoded", so transformed to samples you add +1 to count it as decoded (I hope I'm making sense).
So last valid loop_end would be datasize-1 (like mu prev snd_bgm_A27_3DL_SMB_Theme example).

Just in case, could you test if changing loop-end to something much bigger still loops? (=game ignores invalid offsets).
by Kurausukun at 9:18 PM EST on January 26, 2017
Alright, I tried making the nibble count at 0x54 much bigger. What happens is that vgmstream complains it's corrupted and doesn't play it. In-game, though, it plays perfectly and doesn't even add any silence to the loop. I'm not sure if it does a check to see if the loop-end is valid and then falls back to the sample count, or if it just ignores the nibble count altogether and uses the sample count instead, but there you go.

I did understand what you meant about the last nibble being not yet decoded, but this issue isn't present in any of the other DSP formats in vgmstream (e.g. brstm, bcstm, bfstm, hps, etc.), so I'd just like IDSP/NUS3BANK to behave the same way. Thanks for the help by the way.
by Ultrafighter at 3:17 AM EST on January 28, 2017
Thnx a lot bnnm, with so many new codecs finally implemented to vgmstream almost nothing is left to wish for in regards to its format support list... maybe just demu(ltiple)xed *.bik tracks?
BTW I remember that Tekken Hybrid (PS3) set where quite a few *.AT3 were previously unplayable and I have yet to try out those files. What I have to note however is that 6 channel MSFs from Silent hill HD Collection on PS3 are also playable now. I haven't checked out mono ones yet, if memory serves nothing but stereo ATRAC3 tracks was initially playable or at least convertible. Am I right? Anyway I'm currently going through all these fake surround mixes in SH3 part of this exact pack.
Cheers, keep doing what you do best! Sincerely yours, Ultrafighter.

edited 3:18 AM EST January 28, 2017
by mariofan12ify at 7:05 AM EST on January 28, 2017
Does anyone know if there's going to be any chance of looping for .xma files?

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