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by marcusss at 11:24 AM EST on March 3, 2017

Games like castlevania harmony of despair and Earthworm Jim xma (xwb) still refuse to play for some reason even with the update.

Oh well it is always great seeing you making progress

by bnnm at 2:12 PM EST on March 3, 2017
@marcuss - both work for me (actual rips, not joshw stuff)

@Ultrafighter - multichannel MP3 FSB works but not for all games, it's disabled until I understand why.
Meanwhile you could post some WWE samples.
by Knurek at 4:50 PM EST on March 3, 2017
@bnnm: Care to share the fixes?
by kode54 at 8:44 PM EST on March 3, 2017
He is sharing the fixes, as he assembles them into his repository, then performs pull requests. Like any responsible coder, he is packaging them up in a usable fashion, rather than haphazardly publishing unfinished code that doesn't even work.
by hcs at 11:56 PM EST on March 3, 2017
To add to what kode said, you can find bnnm's builds here, but he regularly sends kode54 pull requests (closed ones here) which get merged into kode54's main repo (gitlab calls these "merge requests" which is probably a better name).
by Sir-Sabin at 12:50 AM EST on March 4, 2017

Can you post the files that work (the xwb files) if you can and thx in advance
by Knurek at 1:31 AM EST on March 4, 2017
@kode54: I'm not talking about VGMStream builds, I know how to get them. :)
He mentions bad XMA rips on JoshW mirror, and having "actual" rips - would be great to have the correct files up on JoshW.
by Sir-Sabin at 6:53 AM EST on March 4, 2017
What ones are bad? and also Blue Dragon xsb file makes say ERROR: number of streams in xsb different than xwb (xsb 85 vs xwb 84 in xwb_spilt
by marcusss at 11:17 AM EST on March 4, 2017
Glad at least Kameo - Elements of Power now works It had extension .DNBW but after renaming it to .xwb it works fine !!

edited 11:24 AM EST March 4, 2017
by Knurek at 11:31 AM EST on March 4, 2017
Heads up:

Blaster Master Zero rip

Seems to have both 3DS and Switch music data (BCSTM and Unplayable BFSTM files).
Might be worth looking into the later. :)

edited 11:31 AM EST March 4, 2017

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